
Managing my financial journey
课程网址: https://www.open.edu/openlearn/mod/oucontent/view.php?id=48195  
主讲教师: 信息不详。欢迎您在右侧留言补充。
开课单位: 英国开放大学
开课时间: 2016-04-29
课程语种: 英语
2000 年代后期金融危机的戏剧性事件改变了英国金融服务业。历史悠久的机构倒闭,其他机构被迫接管,只有世界各国政府的干预——得益于令人眼花缭乱的金融复苏计划——才阻止了银行业的崩溃。 现在,距离危机已经过去了将近 10 年,是时候盘点一下该行业今天的样子了。最重要的是,该行业现在如何为消费者服务?产品有哪些?行业竞争力如何?监管是否有效地保护了金融市场的消费者?在不断变化的金融环境中,消费者可以从哪里获得帮助和指导? 这个为期四周的课程将引导您了解英国金融市场,首先快速回顾导致金融危机转变的行业历史。你会: 检查构成该行业的机构以及他们目前正在努力解决的问题 走在金融超市的过道上,看看提供的产品有什么变化 看看这个行业现在是如何监管的 了解该法规以及各机构提供的指导如何帮助您在金融工作场所进行交易时做出正确、明智的选择。 在课程结束时,您将全面了解金融服务行业的运作方式以及如何以知识和信心开展业务。 请注意,课程视频中提到的论坛不再可用。 本课程在 OpenLearn 上进行介绍,并得到True Potential LLP外部链接 的大力支持。如果您想了解更多关于金融公众理解真正潜力中心 (PUFin) 的工作及其提高个人财务能力的使命,请查看该 中心的网站。该中心由 True Potential LLP 慷慨资助,其使命是发展教学和开展研究,以帮助提高公共财政能力。 要求 本课程面向对金融服务行业感兴趣的人士。该课程不需要任何该主题的经验,但事先学习免费课程管理我的钱可能是一个优势。
课程简介: The dramatic events of the financial crisis in the late 2000s transformed the UK financial services industry. Long established institutions went out of business, others were forced into takeovers and only the intervention of governments worldwide - courtesy of eye-watering financial recovery packages - prevented the banking industry from implosion. Now, nearly 10 years on from the crisis, it’s time to take stock and examine how the industry looks today. Most importantly, how is the industry now working for the consumer? What are the products? How competitive is the industry? Is regulation working effectively to protect consumers in the financial market place? Where can consumers go to get help and guidance in a changing financial environment? This four-week course will guide you through the UK financial marketplace, starting with a rapid review of the history of the industry leading up to the financial crisis that transformed it. You will: examine the institutions that comprise the industry and the issues they are currently grappling with walk down the aisles of the financial supermarket to see what is changing with the products on offer look at how the industry is now regulated find out how this regulation, and the guidance provided by various agencies, can help you make the right, informed choices when transacting in the financial workplace. At the end of the course you will have gained a full insight into how the financial services industry operates and how you can transact business with knowledge and confidence. Please note that the forum referred to in course videos is no longer available. This course is presented on OpenLearn with the kind support of True Potential LLP . If you want to know more about the work of the True Potential Centre for the Public Understanding of Finance (PUFin) and its mission to improve personal financial capability, check out the centre’s website. The centre, generously funded by True Potential LLP, has a mission to develop teaching and undertake research to help improve public financial capability. Requirements This course is intended for those with an interest in the financial services industry. The course does not require any previous experience of this subject, but prior study of the free course Managing my money may be an advantage.
关 键 词: 管理财务; 金融危机; 金融市场; 行业竞争
课程来源: 英国开放大学
数据采集: 2022-05-27:chenxin01
最后编审: 2022-05-27:chenxin01
阅读次数: 27