
Great Leaps, Persistence, and Innovation: The Evolving Story of Hyundai
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_krafcik_glp/  
主讲教师: John Krafcik
开课单位: 现代汽车美国公司
开课时间: 2014-01-06
课程语种: 英语
1986年,现代汽车首次出口到美国,售价4995美元的Excel出现了令人尴尬的质量问题,该公司发现自己对深夜脱口秀节目最感兴趣。但约翰·克拉夫西克(JohnKrafcik)自豪地回忆起现代的转变,从20世纪80年代美国汽车市场的笑柄,到美国第七大畅销品牌和世界第五大汽车制造商。 到1998年,现代汽车的名字在美国的名声大打折扣,其市场份额跌至。4%,而该公司正处于完全退出的边缘。但是,Krafcik表示,现代决心救赎自己,并通过注重质量设计和制造以及“美国最佳保修”赢回购车者Krafcik说,该公司提供的10年10万英里动力传动系保证是“工程团队令人难以置信的澄清者”,迫使他们为“无限寿命”设计系统现代的“自上而下、分层管理方法”也被证明是至关重要的。董事长钟梦古将“比尔·盖茨、巴拉克·奥巴马和教皇”和“当他说我们必须做些什么时,公司会很好地围绕这一目标。”2001年,钟宣布现代需要在五年内超过丰田的质量标准。 Krafcik说,与宝马挑战车主的方式不同,现代工程师更“谦逊”,他们专注于人机工程学。“以客户为中心”意味着在早期阶段将汽车交给真正的驾驶员,并利用反馈改进设计。事实上,与丰田不同的是,现代汽车在开发过程中的某个阶段强制实行工程冻结,它甚至在汽车开发游戏的后期也决心适应建议:“如果有必要在后期进行质量更改,那么系统可以适应这种更改。”此外,现代选择在销售汽车的地方设计和制造汽车。克拉夫西克表示,这一结果不言而喻:现代取得了强劲、始终如一的质量表现,与全球行业领先者不相上下。 该公司目前面临的挑战包括开发专有的混合动力解决方案(使用新型锂聚合物电池),以在2015年前达到35英里/加仑;面对“残余品牌问题”Krafcik认为,经济危机降低了世界对汽车的需求,可能对“灵活”的现代汽车有利。Krafcik在经济低迷时期一直将自己定位在突出位置,例如,在超级碗和奥斯卡颁奖典礼上投放广告。最近在“品牌认知”方面取得的巨大进步使现代汽车“一帆风顺”,Krafcik预计,尽管目前形势严峻,但公司的坚持和热情将得到回报。
课程简介: In 1986, Hyundai’s first export to the U.S, the $4995 Excel, developed embarrassing quality problems, and the company found itself grist for late night talk shows. But John Krafcik recounts with pride Hyundai’s turnaround, from laughingstock of the American auto market back in the 1980s, to seventh best-selling brand in the U.S., and fifth largest car maker in the world. By 1998, Hyundai’s name was so tainted in the U.S. that its market share fell to .4%, and the company was on the verge of pulling out altogether. But instead, says Krafcik, Hyundai determined to redeem itself, and win back car buyers with a focus on quality design and manufacturing, and with “America’s best warranty.” The 10 year, 100 thousand mile power train guarantee the company put in place, says Krafcik, was “an incredible clarifier for the engineering team,” forcing them to design systems for “infinite life.” Hyundai’s “top down, hierarchical management approach” proved critical, too. Chairman Chung Mong Koo combines “Bill Gates, Barack Obama and the Pope,” and “when he says we must do something, the company aligns well around that goal.” In 2001, Chung declared that Hyundai needed to beat Toyota’s quality standards in five years. Unlike BMW’s approach of challenging the car owner, says Krafcik, the more “humble” Hyundai engineers focused on ergonomic engineering. An “obsessive customer focus” meant getting cars at early stages in the hands of real drivers, and using feedback to improve designs. Indeed, unlike Toyota, which imposes an engineering freeze at a certain point in development, Hyundai resolved to adapt to suggestions even late in the car development game: “If there’s an imperative for a late quality change, the system is adaptable to that change.” Also, Hyundai chose to design and build cars where it sells them. The result speaks for itself, say Krafcik: Hyundai’s achieved strong, consistent quality performance, rivaling the industry leaders globally. Current challenges for the company involve developing a proprietary hybrid solution (with a novel lithium polymer battery) to achieve 35 mpg by 2015; and confronting “residual brand issues.” The economic crisis, which has reduced the world’s appetite for cars, could prove advantageous for “agile” Hyundai, believes Krafcik, which has been positioning itself prominently in the downturn, by, for instance, saturating the Super Bowl and Academy Awards with ads. Huge recent gains in “brand perception” have “Hyundai on a roll”, and Krafcik expects that the company’s persistence and passion will pay off, despite the grim times.
关 键 词: 现代汽车; 分层管理方法; 品牌认知
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2022-06-15:zkj
最后编审: 2022-06-15:zkj
阅读次数: 27