
Advanced German: Language, culture and history
课程网址: https://www.open.edu/openlearn/languages/german/advanced-german-l...  
主讲教师: 信息不详。欢迎您在右侧留言补充。
开课单位: 英国开放大学
开课时间: 2012-08-10
课程语种: 英语
课程简介: If you already have a good working knowledge of the German language, this free course, Advanced German: Language, culture and history, will help to improve your language skills, knowledge of German-speaking societies and intercultural competence. It will also develop your critical and analytical skills as you study the geography and dialects of the regions of Germany.
关 键 词: 高级德语; 语言文化; 语言技能; 社会知识
课程来源: 英国开放大学
数据采集: 2022-08-02:chenxin01
最后编审: 2022-08-02:chenxin01
阅读次数: 25