
From Code to Data: AI at Scale for Developer Productivity
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/kdd2019_sundaresan_code_data/  
主讲教师: Neel Sundaresan
开课单位: 微软
开课时间: 2020-03-02
课程语种: 英语
课程简介: The last decade has seen three great phenomena in computing – the rebirth of AI algorithms and AI hardware; the evolution of cloud computing and distributed software development; and the explosive growth of open source software that has led to the availability of code as data, and its associated metadata, at scale. In this talk, we will describe how we take advantage of innovations in these dimensions to improve developer productivity and infuse AI and automation into software processes. We will discuss examples of how we built intelligent software by creating AI algorithms driven by deep understanding of code as data. In addition, we will talk about how data can also be treated as code for the next-generation AI-infused software development.
关 键 词: 从代码到数据; 开发人员生产力; 大规模人工智能
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2022-09-16:cyh
最后编审: 2022-09-19:cyh
阅读次数: 28