
Healthy Cities: Tracking Population Health from Grocery Bags and Smart Watches
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/eswc2019_quercia_healthy_cities/  
主讲教师: Daniele Quercia
开课单位: 剑桥大学
开课时间: 2019-09-19
课程语种: 英语
我们将看到如何汇总消费者可穿戴设备的读数和食品购买记录,以跟踪人们的幸福程度。从11600款诺基亚健康可穿戴设备中,我们收集了伦敦和旧金山整个城市一年中的步长、睡眠和心率读数。圣诞节和新年前夕只会带来短暂和轻微的干扰,而英国脱欧和特朗普的当选都极大地影响了人们的睡眠甚至心率。然后,在伦敦的另一整年中,我们研究了杂货店食品购买与药品消费之间的关系,通过顾客忠诚度卡的数字痕迹来衡量。我们的结果表明,对食品杂货采购数字记录的分析可以作为一种廉价且可扩展的健康监测工具:食品营养素的分布比社会经济状况更能预测与食品相关的疾病(如糖尿病)。 伦敦国王学院城市信息学教授,诺基亚贝尔实验室系主任,GoodCityLife联合创始人。Daniele Quercia是一位计算机科学家,被《财富》杂志评为2014年数据全明星。他在城市计算领域的研究已在包括ICSE、Ubicomp、ICDM、CSCW、RecSys、WSDM和WWW在内的主要机构发表,获得了AAAI ICWSM的荣誉提名,并在《共和报》、《独立报》、新科学家报》、世界报和英国广播公司上发表。他曾在巴塞罗那TEDx和柏林倒塌墙发表演讲,并为BBC撰稿。他是雅虎实验室的研究科学家,剑桥大学计算机实验室的地平线高级研究员,麻省理工学院的博士后助理。他在伦敦大学获得博士学位。他的论文由微软剑桥研究院赞助,并被提名为BCS最佳英国计算机科学博士论文。博士期间,他是伦敦商学院的MBA技术研究员。
课程简介: We will see how to aggregate both readings from consumer wearable devices and records of food purchases to track people’s well-being at scale. From 11,600 Nokia Health wearables, we collected readings of steps, sleep, and heart rate in the entire cities of London and San Francisco over the course of 1 year. Christmas and New Year’s eve were associated only with short-lived and minor disruptions, while both Brexit and Trump’s election greatly impacted people’s sleep and even heart rates. Then, for another entire year in London, we studied the association between food purchases in grocery stores, as measured by the digital traces of customer loyalty cards, and consumption of medicines. Our results show that analytics of digital records of grocery purchases can be used as a cheap and scalable tool for health surveillance: the distribution of the food nutrients is far more predictive of food-related illnesses (e.g., diabetes) than socio-economic conditions. Professor of Urban Informatics at King’s College London, Department Head at Nokia Bell Labs, and co-founder of GoodCityLife.org, Daniele Quercia is a computer scientist, named one of Fortune magazine’s 2014 Data All-Stars. His research in the area of urban computing has been published in leading venues including ICSE, Ubicomp, ICDM, CSCW, RecSys, WSDM, and WWW, received honorable mentions from AAAI ICWSM, and has been featured on La Repubblica, The Independent, New Scientist, Le Monde, and BBC. He spoke at TEDx Barcelona and Falling Walls Berlin, and wrote for BBC. He was Research Scientist at Yahoo Labs, a Horizon senior researcher at The Computer Laboratory of the University of Cambridge, and Postdoctoral Associate at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He received his PhD from UC London. His thesis was sponsored by Microsoft Research Cambridge and was nominated for BCS Best British PhD dissertation in Computer Science. During his PhD, he was MBA Technology Fellow at London Business School.
关 键 词: 健康城市; 从杂货袋和智能手表; 跟踪人口健康; 健康可穿戴设备
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2022-09-20:cyh
最后编审: 2022-11-24:liyy
阅读次数: 25