
Why riot? Community, choices, aspirations
课程网址: https://www.open.edu/openlearn/mod/oucontent/view.php?id=126633  
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开课单位: 英国开放大学
开课时间: 2022-07-21
课程语种: 英语
为什么暴乱?社区,选择,为年轻人的愿望是一个免费的资源来帮助他们批判性地思考他们的选择和如何改变的积极行动,在他们关心的问题。这门短期课程是在2021年春天北爱尔兰工人阶层地区发生暴力街头骚乱之后制作的。它是由来自贝尔法斯特的尚基尔(Shankill)的男孩(14-16岁)开发的,这是一个保皇派社区,也是骚乱发生的地区之一,适用于所有年轻人,特别是那些在有争议的社会中长大的人,以及任何对这些问题感兴趣的人。课程内容包括了解社区对你意味着什么;探索不同的观点;质疑和评估信息和影响,包括在社交媒体上;决策;找到自己的声音,成为积极的改变者。 关于这道菜的制作过程 这个简短的课程是由八十几岁的男孩参与行为主动性和贝尔法斯特男孩的模范学校项目:亚当,阿什顿,布兰登,迪伦,马蒂,瑞安,斯蒂芬和威廉。它基于威廉·米切尔(William Mitchell)开发的面对面课程和讲习班。米切尔是一名保皇党前囚犯,也是开放大学的一名学生,来自位于尚基尔(Shankill)的“社区转型行动计划”(ACT)。 为什么暴乱?是爱尔兰开放大学Time to Think项目和ACT项目之间的合作项目。
课程简介: Why riot? Community, choices, aspirations is a free resource for young people to help them think critically about the choices they make and about how to act positively for change, around the issues they care about. This short course was made in the aftermath of violent street disturbances in working-class areas of Northern Ireland in the spring of 2021. It was developed with boys (aged 14–16 years) from the Shankill in Belfast, a Loyalist community and one of the areas where these disturbances took place and is for all young people, but especially those growing up in contested societies, and anyone interested in these issues. Course content includes understanding what community means to you; exploring different perspectives; questioning and evaluating information and influences, including on social media; decision-making; finding your voice and becoming positive changemakers. About this course and how it was made This short course was made with eight teenage boys taking part in an ACT Initiative and Belfast Boys’ Model School project: Adam, Ashton, Brandon, Dylan, Matty, Ryan, Stephen and William. It is based on a face-to-face course and workshops developed by William Mitchell, a Loyalist ex-prisoner and former Open University student from the Action for Community Transformation Initiative (ACT), based in the Shankill. Why riot? is a collaboration between The Open University in Ireland’s Time to Think initiative and the ACT Initiative.   Time to Think is both an oral history archive and ongoing collaboration for teaching, research and knowledge exchange between The Open University (Open University in Ireland, the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and Open University Library) and participants in the Time to Think archive. This includes Loyalist and Republican ex-prisoners who studied with The Open University in British and Irish prisons during the years of conflict (1972–2000), Open University tutors and office staff, and prison staff and governors. You can explore the archive collection here.
关 键 词: 暴乱原因; 工人暴乱; 社会争议; 了解社区
课程来源: 英国开放大学
数据采集: 2022-10-17:chenxin01
最后编审: 2022-10-17:chenxin01
阅读次数: 28