
Where the Social Web Meets the Semantic Web
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/iswc06_gruber_wswms/  
主讲教师: Tom Gruber
开课单位: RealTravel.com
开课时间: 2007-02-25
课程语种: 英语
语义网是计算机系统之间交互的生态系统。社交网络是人们之间对话的生态系统。两者都是通过分层服务和数据交换的约定实现的。两者都由人工生成的内容驱动,并通过机器可读数据实现可扩展性。然而,有一种普遍的误解,认为两个世界是可替代的,关于网络应该如何存在的意识形态是对立的。实用与形式主义。人类与机器。 这是无稽之谈,是时候接受统一的观点了。我赞成将语义网作为集体智能的基础。在我们的一生中,集体智能的最佳选择是大型分布式人机系统。实现这一目标的最佳方法是利用语义网的技术来利用网络的“人的力量”。在本演示中,我将展示几种可能发生的方式,以及正在发生的方式。
课程简介: The Semantic Web is an ecosystem of interaction among computer systems. The social web is an ecosystem of conversation among people. Both are enabled by conventions for layered services and data exchange. Both are driven by human-generated content and made scalable by machine-readable data. Yet there is a popular misconception that the two worlds are alternative, opposing ideologies about how the web ought to be. Folksonomy vs. ontology. Practical vs. formalistic. Humans vs. machines. This is nonsense, and it is time to embrace a unified view. I subscribe to the vision of the Semantic Web as a substrate for collective intelligence. The best shot we have of collective intelligence in our lifetimes is large, distributed human-computer systems. The best way to get there is to harness the "people power" of the Web with the techniques of the Semantic Web. In this presentation I will show several ways that this can be, and is, happening.
关 键 词: 计算机系统; 生态系统; 集体智能
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2022-11-16:chenjy
最后编审: 2022-11-16:chenjy
阅读次数: 24