
Living with Artificial Intelligence – How to stay Human
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/single_walsh_living_with_AI/  
主讲教师: Franz Zeller; Toby Walsh
开课单位: 澳大利亚ICT卓越研究中心
开课时间: 2018-10-01
课程语种: 英语
-“电脑在诊断孩子肺炎方面胜过医生。” -“人工智能终结了世界饥饿。” -“人类是测试人工智能技术的实验鼠。” -“自动无人机开始了第三次世界大战” 有人称之为智能,也有人称其为自动算法决策。无论表达方式如何,自动化已经影响了我们大家一段时间了。从帮助打击社交媒体上的骚扰的开源人工智能工具,以及使用人工智能预防儿童糖尿病,到在阅读乳房X光片方面胜过医生的计算机。人工智能技术在解决气候变化、粮食安全、移民潮和能源供应等问题时,使我们的生活更美好、更健康和更安全的潜力已经被观察到。 同时,事实上,我们生活在一个有偏见的机器一直在进行歧视性雇佣行为的世界。每年都有数百万人死于道路上,发展自动驾驶汽车被称为道德上的当务之急。然而,在没有任何监管监督的情况下,公共道路是否只是在未经我们同意的情况下收集数据和测试技术的实验室? 我们如何才能确保我们不赋予“愚蠢”的人工智能自主权,这些机器不知道如何做出好的选择?当人类的声音被机器人压制时,我们将如何进行明智的民主政治辩论?社会需要培养什么样的能力才能让我们的人工智能生活变得更好,而不是更糟? 探索与人工智能共存的神话和现实,以及如何与Toby Walsh一起在LogicLounge保持人性。由于经常在国际媒体上露面,他被称为“人工智能摇滚明星”。他正在谈论人工智能和机器人技术对我们生活的影响并提出问题。沃尔什教授不仅是联合国禁止自主杀伤性武器(“杀手机器人”)全球运动的发起人,也是向公众介绍人工智能技术和技术领域的神话、机遇和风险的众多书籍的作者。 本次活动是LogicLounge公共讨论系列的一部分,由维也纳大学维也纳逻辑与算法中心组织,Franz Zeller(ORF)主持。
课程简介: - "Computers outperform doctors at diagnosing your kid´s pneumonia." - "AI ends world hunger." - "Humans are lab rats for testing of AI technology." - "Autonomous drone starts World War III." Some call it intelligent, others call it automated algorithmic decision making. No matter the expression, automatization has been impacting us all for some time now. From the open-source AI tools that help combat harassment on social media, and using AI to prevent diabetes in kids, to computers outperforming doctors at reading mammograms. The potential of AI technology of making our lives better, healthier, and safer when it comes to addressing problems such as climate change, food security, migration waves, and energy supply, has already been observed. At the same time, the matter of fact is that we live in a world where biased machines have been conducting discriminatory hiring practices. Each year millions of people die on the roads, and the development of self-driving cars have been called a moral imperative. However without any regulatory oversight, are the public roads just laboratories for collecting data and testing the technology without our consent? How can we make sure we do not give autonomy to "stupid” AI, machines which do not know how to make good choices? How will we have a sensible democratic political debate, when human voices are silenced by the bots? What are the competencies which the society needs to foster to make our lives with AI better, not worse? Discover the myths and realities of living with artificial intelligence, and how to keep the humanity humane at the LogicLounge with Toby Walsh. He has been called a "rock star of AI", due to his regular appearances in the international media. He is talking and asking questions about the impact of AI and robotics on our lives. Professor Walsh is not only known as the initiator of the worldwide movement for the UN-ban of autonomous lethal weapons ("Killer Robots"), but is also an author of numerous books presenting the general public the myths, the chances and the risks in the field of AI techniques and technology. This event is part of the LogicLounge public discussion series, organized by Vienna Center for Logic and Algorithms at TU Wien, and moderated by Franz Zeller (ORF).
关 键 词: 人工智能; 自动算法决策; 算法中心
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2022-11-21:chenjy
最后编审: 2023-05-11:chenjy
阅读次数: 191