
A Treatment Engine by Predicting Next‑Period Prescriptions
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/kdd2018_yang_engine_prescriptions/  
主讲教师: Haoyu Yang
开课单位: 大连理工大学
开课时间: 2018-11-23
课程语种: 英语
近年来,通过挖掘电子病历(EMR)提高医疗保健效率和质量的机会已经出现。本文旨在开发一种治疗引擎,该引擎从历史EMR数据中学习,并根据患者的疾病状况、实验室结果和治疗记录为患者提供下一期处方。重要的是,该引擎同时考虑了治疗记录和体检序列,这些记录不仅具有异质性和时间性,而且通常具有不同的记录频率和长度。此外,该引擎还将静态信息(例如,人口统计)与时间序列相结合,以向患者提供个性化的治疗处方。在这方面,提出了一种新的长短期记忆(LSTM)学习框架,通过隐藏神经元之间的连接来模拟不同类型的医学序列的相互关联。利用这个框架,我们开发了三个多方面的LSTM模型:全连通异构LSTM、部分连通异构LSCM和分解异构LSTM。实验在两个数据集上进行:一个是公开的MIMIC-III ICU数据,另一个来自多家中国医院。实验结果表明了该框架和三个模型的有效性。这项工作被认为对医疗和预测领域的学术界和从业者以及智能决策支持变得普遍的其他应用领域都非常重要和有意义。
课程简介: Recent years have witnessed an opportunity for improving healthcare efficiency and quality by mining Electronic Medical Records (EMRs). This paper is aimed at developing a treatment engine, which learns from historical EMR data and provides a patient with next-period prescriptions based on disease conditions, laboratory results, and treatment records of the patient. Importantly, the engine takes consideration of both treatment records and physical examination sequences which are not only heterogeneous and temporal in nature but also often with different record frequencies and lengths. Moreover, the engine also combines static information (e.g., demographics) with the temporal sequences to provide personalized treatment prescriptions to patients. In this regard, a novel Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) learning framework is proposed to model inter-correlations of different types of medical sequences by connections between hidden neurons. With this framework, we develop three multifaceted LSTM models: Fully Connected Heterogeneous LSTM, Partially Connected Heterogeneous LSTM, and Decomposed Heterogeneous LSTM. The experiments are conducted on two datasets: one is the public MIMIC-III ICU data, and the other comes from several Chinese hospitals. Experimental results reveal the effectiveness of the framework and the three models. The work is deemed important and meaningful for both academia and practitioners in the realm of medical treatment and prediction, as well as in other fields of applications where intelligent decision support becomes pervasive.
关 键 词: 挖掘电子病历; 提高医疗保健效率; 新的长短期记忆; 连通异构LSCM和分解异构LSTM
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2023-01-30:cyh
最后编审: 2023-01-30:cyh
阅读次数: 38