
Developing the Hardware for Future Human Space Exploration
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_griffin_space/  
主讲教师: Michael Griffin
开课单位: 美国国家航空航天局
开课时间: 2012-07-31
课程语种: 英语
尽管迈克尔·格里芬(Michael Griffin)认为太空探索尤其是重返月球有很多理由,但美国国家航空航天局(NASA)仍必须管理“国宝”的一小部分。格里芬在本次AeroAstro活动中表示:“这相当于国家预算的7/10%,相当于每个美国人每天支付15美分。”。我们被驱使到地球以外的地方进行调查,因为好奇心和掌握新领土的欲望“与我们的DNA紧密相连”。但格里芬发现,“美国领导层良性合作的机会”具有巨大价值。他说,太空探索加强了国家、社会和人类。 在月球上建立立足点将为人类提供远离地球环境的操作经验,有助于开发打开太空前沿所需的技术——在火星和更远的地方进行实践。格里芬提供了新的乘员探测车和助推火箭的新模型的详细信息。为了经济和速度,NASA正试图利用早期的设计——“尽可能少的麻烦和麻烦,最大限度地利用我们已经拥有的东西。”随着NASA寻求尽快购买发射和通信服务,这些公共任务将有大量商业机会。在一个例子中,他设想通过在月球着陆器上提供座位来促进国际合作,以换取建立月球栖息地的帮助。格里芬说:“我们不想回到美国宇航局无所不为的时代。”。
课程简介: While Michael Griffin sees a wealth of reasons for space exploration in general and returning to the moon in particular, NASA must still manage on a tiny portion of “the national treasure.” This 7/10th of a percent of the national budget – the equivalent of each American paying 15 cents every day – “is not an expenditure we should do without,” Griffin asserts in this AeroAstro events. We are driven to investigate beyond earth because curiosity and the desire to master new territory are “wired into our DNA.” But Griffin finds great value in the “opportunity for benign cooperative American leadership.” Space exploration strengthens the nation, society and the human species, he says. Developing a foothold on the moon will afford humans experience in operating away from earth’s environment, helping to develop the technology needed for opening the space frontier -- practice for Mars and beyond. Griffin provides details on emerging models for a new crew exploration vehicle and booster rockets. NASA is attempting to take advantage of earlier designs for the sake of economy and speed – “architecture with as little fuss and bother as possible, maximizing the use of things we already own.” There will be plenty of commercial opportunities in these public missions, with NASA seeking to purchase launch and communication services as soon as available. And he envisions promoting international cooperation by offering seats in the lunar lander in exchange, in one example, for help in setting up a lunar habitat. “We don’t want to return to the days where NASA does everything,” says Griffin.
关 键 词: 国际合作; 操作经验; 巨大价值
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2023-03-13:chenjy
最后编审: 2023-05-11:chenjy
阅读次数: 33