
Common Places: 50 Strategies to Improve Our Public Spaces
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/matchmaking2016_de_ferrari_ideas/  
主讲教师: Felipe De Ferrari
开课单位: Plan Común
开课时间: 2016-03-21
课程语种: 英语
作为建筑师,我必须选择城市的权利作为收回公共领域的前沿。从这个意义上说,重要的是要确定对公共和私人空间对抗的立场,这是当今现代性的一个基本问题。 建筑的未来就在这里。它要求我们理解项目的集体意愿,并明确其立场;拥抱二十世纪不同运动的遗产,这些运动被后现代或当代建筑打断和忽视。 Common Places是一个由50名来自欧洲和国外的建筑师组成的团队,旨在最大限度地扩大公共空间的50项正式战略。这是一套针对我们城市的建筑项目,原型质疑既定意识形态和/或规范模型的有效性,以再现新的、肥沃的公共空间。这个集体创作项目旨在影响我们领域以外的建筑师和决策者。
课程简介: As architects, me must choose the right to the city as the front in reclaiming the public sphere. In this sense, it is important to define position towards the confrontation between public and private in space, a fundamental question of modernity today. Here lies the future of architecture. It requires us to understand the collective will of the project and to define a clear position about it; to embrace the legacy of different movements in XX Century, which have been interrupted and neglected by post-modern or contemporary architecture. Common Places is an ongoing series of 50 formal strategies aiming at maximizing public space, led by a team of 50 architects from Europe and abroad. It is a set of architecture projects for our cities, prototypes questioning the validity of established ideological and/or normative models in order to reproduce new and fertile public spaces. This collective authorship project aims at influencing architects and decision makers beyond our field.
关 键 词: 公共领域; 当代建筑; 意识形态
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2023-04-07:chenjy
最后编审: 2023-05-13:chenjy
阅读次数: 19