David Macaulay的工作方式:寻找想法、写书和想象我们的世界

The Way David Macaulay Works: Finding Ideas, Making Books and Visualizing Our World
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_macaulay_books/  
主讲教师: David Macaulay; John D; Catherine T
开课单位: 麦克阿瑟基金会
开课时间: 2013-07-23
课程语种: 英语
这次演示感觉就像是一次新的迪斯尼之旅:在大卫·麦考利的想象中,准备飞越罗马的伟大纪念碑,在人体循环系统中乘坐木筏,拆除并重建帝国大厦。 不要对解释或背景抱有太大期望,只需坐下来欣赏这位插画大师从他出版和未出版的一些最伟大的热门作品中推出的草图和故事情节。麦考利深入研究了建筑和生物下方的结构。但是,尽管他的考试可能很详细和准确,但他还是接受了异想天开和异想天开。他承认自己喜欢废墟,所以创造了自己的废墟——“这让人几乎怀旧。”他想象一位考古学家在2000年后探索一家汽车旅馆的废墟,在床上挖出一对骷髅,看着一台死去的电视,麦考利形容这是“死在面向圣坛的平台上” 这些奇思妙想如此之快地向我们袭来,很难跟上。麦考利带我们参观了一本由风景构成的字母书——田野里的奶牛、铁轨、阴影和倒影。飞翔的鸭子排列成亨德尔的《水上音乐》中的旋律。这本书“死于F……最重要的是,世界需要另一本字母书!”当被要求为一本关于大脑的书画画时,麦考利决定建造一个巨大的大脑,“在其中漫步”会很有趣。他回忆道,“海马很漂亮,闪闪发光,很光滑,滑几下会很有趣,让大脑体验充满活力。” 尽管如此,麦考利从未忘记自己的目标。“做大似乎是让人们重新认识平凡和熟悉事物的理想方式。”他的绘画帮助他和他的读者理解世界上有机和无机事物的结构、财产和力量,无论是拉链还是开罐器、古代帆船、消化系统还是整个城市。他对罗马的持续迷恋导致他多次尝试揭开罗马的历史和建筑层次。一只鸽子在城市中俯冲,展现了万神殿和罗马宝藏的全景,只有一只鸟才能看到。麦考利喜欢“扭曲和扭曲,以增强运动感。”另一种方法是让一名男子骑着摩托车,提供街道层面的零碎景观,还有一种方法则是让一位电视修理工向我们展示建筑的细节,“切割石头的方式,无论是旧的还是新的。” 麦考利的下一站:一本关于地球及其工作原理的书。
课程简介: This presentation feels akin to a new Disney ride: During your tour inside David Macaulay’s imagination, prepare to soar over Rome’s great monuments, raft within the human body’s circulatory system, and dismantle and rebuild the Empire State Building. Don’t expect much in the way of explanation or background, but simply sit back and enjoy as this master illustrator rolls out sketches and storylines from some of his greatest published and unpublished hits. Macaulay delves into the structure beneath the built and the biological. But as detailed and accurate as his examinations may be, he embraces the whimsical and fantastic. He admits to loving ruins, so creates his own – “It makes one almost nostalgic.” He imagines an archaeologist 2000 years hence exploring the ruins of a motel, exhuming a pair of skeletons on a bed watching a dead TV, described by Macaulay as “deceased on a platform facing the sacred altar.” These flights of fancy come whizzing at us so fast, it’s hard to keep up. Macaulay takes us on a tour of an alphabet book constructed of landscapes-- cows in a field and railway tracks, shadows and reflections. Ducks flying are arrayed as a melody from Handel’s Water Music. The book “died at F…More than anything, the world needs another alphabet book!” Asked to do drawings for a book on the brain, Macaulay decided to build a giant brain that would be fun “to wander through.” He recounts, “Hippocampuses are nice and shiny and smooth, it would be fun to slide down a few times, enlivening the brain experience.” Macaulay never loses sight of his goals, though. “Making things big seemed an ideal way of reacquainting people with the mundane and familiar.” His drawings help him, and his readers, understand the structure, properties, and forces underlying organic and inorganic things in the world, whether zippers or can openers, ancient sailing vessels, digestive systems, or entire cities. His ongoing fascination with Rome has led to multiple attempts to unpeel its historic and architectural layers. A pigeon swoops through the city, revealing perspectives of the Pantheon and Rome’s treasures only a bird could see. Macaulay likes “twisting and distorting to reinforce a sense of movement.” Another approach employs a man on a scooter, providing a street-level view, fragmentary, and yet another uses a television repair man, who shows us details in buildings, “the way stones are cut, old and new.” Next stop for Macaulay: a book on the Earth and how it works.
关 键 词: 帝国大厦; 故事情节; 工作原理
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2023-04-07:chenjy
最后编审: 2023-05-13:chenjy
阅读次数: 22