
A Conversation with Robert Pinsky
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_pinsky_cwr/  
主讲教师: Robert Pinsky
开课单位: 波士顿大学
开课时间: 2014-03-20
课程语种: 英语
在这场口语(和歌唱)盛宴中,有很多东西可以取悦有文化的听众。 首先,罗伯特·平斯基和他的作曲家合作者托德·马乔弗让我们一窥他们正在进行的歌剧《死亡与力量》。作为一个关于人类进化的故事,平斯基保证这不会是“一个陈腐的弗兰肯斯坦故事” David Thorburn指导了随后的对话,偶尔会时不时地戳他的老朋友和研究生院同学。他们讨论了平斯基最喜欢的诗歌项目背后的理由,普通美国人在该项目中阅读他们最喜欢的诗。平斯基说,“我们正在建立一个真正的精英阶层,他们能够理解一首诗,能够将它融入其中,并以其他人能够感知的方式大声朗读,而不是那些在耶鲁、哈佛或波士顿大学获得终身教职的人,他们往往对一首诗的实际内容一无所知。”平斯基描述了写一首好诗的困难:“你更像是试图让飞机在空中飞行或拯救病人。你拼命想做一些有效的东西。” 他阅读了最近出版的一本散文书《大卫的一生》。这个角色“是一个杀手和诗人、艺术家和政治家,一个可怕而伟大的人。”平斯基“对阴阳感兴趣,对大卫成为所有人和犹太人成为所有人的品质感兴趣”,这在他心目中“与写一种任何东西都可以包含的诗歌的野心有关” Thorburn和Pinsky回忆起他们在斯坦福大学的老师Yvor Winters,他的诗歌激发了对Pinsky的模仿,包括下面的对联:“我现在把一个无籽卷插入/我的午餐盒,但我很快就会吃完。” 关于当代诗歌,平斯基指出:很多人想写诗,但又害怕笨拙……我觉得每次写作都有可能显得愚蠢、平庸。你必须面对自己的矛盾心理。”至于写一首好诗,“是这样的:你必须爬一座山,穿过迷宫,到达有树的田野,爬到树的顶部,等待雷暴。一旦你被闪电击中,就很容易了。在到达那里之前,你要经历很多磨难。”
课程简介: There’s much to please the literate listener in this feast of spoken (and sung) words. First, Robert Pinsky and his composer collaborator Tod Machover offer a glimpse of their opera-in-progress, Death and the Powers. A story about the evolution of humans, Pinsky reassures that it won’t be “a trite Frankenstein story.” David Thorburn guides the subsequent conversation, with an occasional poke here and there for his old friend and graduate school classmate. They discuss the rationale behind Pinsky’s Favorite Poem Project, where ordinary Americans read their favorite poems. Says Pinsky, “We’re establishing a true elite of people who understand a poem, can incorporate it and read it aloud in a way that other people can perceive it, against the false elite of people who get tenure at Yale or Harvard or BU and often don’t know anything about what a poem actually is.” Pinsky describes the difficulty of writing a good poem: “You’re much more like trying to keep an airplane in the air or save the patient. You’re desperately trying to make something that works.” He reads from a recent book of prose, The Life of David. The character “is a killer and poet, artist and politician, a terrible and great person.” Pinsky is “interested in the yin and yang, the quality of David to be all of the above and of Jews to be all of the above,” which is related in his mind “to the ambition of writing a kind of poetry where anything can be included.” Thorburn and Pinsky reminisce about their Stanford teacher, Yvor Winters, whose poetry inspired a Pinsky parody, including the following couplet: “I now insert a seedless roll into/ My lunchbox, but I shall be shortly through.” About contemporary poetry, Pinsky notes: Lots of people want to write poetry, but are afraid of being clumsy….I feel every time I write I’m risking seeming stupid, banal. You have to confront your own ambivalence.” As for writing a good poem, “it’s like this: You have to climb a mountain, find your way through a maze, get to the field that has the tree in it, climb up to the top of the tree and wait for a thunderstorm. Then it’s easy once you’re hit by lightning. You go through a lot of froufrou before you get there.”
关 键 词: 人类进化; 精英阶层; 矛盾心理
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2023-04-17:chenjy
最后编审: 2023-04-17:chenjy
阅读次数: 31