

Prilagoditve gliv na izjemno visoke koncentracije soli / Fungal adaptation to extremely high salt concentrations
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/bzid2011_gunde_cimerman_koncentracije/  
主讲教师: Nina Gunde Cimmerman
开课单位: 卢布尔雅那大学
开课时间: 2011-10-21
课程语种: 其它
物理化学参数接近生命上限的环境被称为极端环境。在极端含盐的环境中,限制因素是高浓度的NaCl和其他盐,通常伴随着其他类型的压力,如高温、高紫外线辐射、低氧浓度和营养波动。今天,我们知道微生物生命可以存在于自然环境中的各种盐中,从淡水到饱和氯化钠的水。极咸的环境中居住着大量的细菌、古菌、藻类、灵长类动物和真菌微生物群。在这篇论文中,我们将重点关注太阳盐盘极咸水域中最成功的真核微生物——真菌,即优势物种Hortaea werneckii黑酵母。它非常成功地补偿了含盐环境中的膨压损失,并防止了钠离子的毒性,这使它即使在几乎饱和的NaCl溶液中也能生长。它通过增加两个耗能过程所需的能量贡献来防止高渗环境的负面影响:消除侵入细胞的离子、返回环境和合成相容溶剂。它通过改变膜和细胞壁的组成,在压力下保持细胞的完整性和功能。了解H.werneckii黑酵母和其他真菌对盐度增加的反应,拓宽了我们对微生物/真菌抗逆性的了解,并鼓励利用目前未充分利用的极端环境中真菌的生物技术潜力。
课程简介: Okolja kjer se fizikalno-kemijski parametri približajo vrednostim blizu zgornjim mejam življenja, imenujemo ekstremna. V primeru izjemno slanih okolij je omejujoč dejavnik visoka koncentracija NaCl in drugih soli, ki ga pogosto spremljajo še drugi tipi stresa, kot so visoke temperature, visoko UV-sevanje, nizke koncentracije kisika in nihanje hranil. Danes vemo, da lahko mikrobno življenje obstaja v celotnem razponu slanosti, ki jih najdemo v naravnih okoljih, od sladkovodnih voda do vod, nasičenih z natrijevim kloridom. Izjemno slana okolja naseljujejo obsežne mikrobne združbe bakterij, arhej, alg, praživali in gliv. V tem prispevku se bomo osredotočili na najbolj uspešne evkariontske mikroorganizme v izjemno slanih vodah solarnih solin – glive, in sicer na prevladujočo vrsto, črno kvasovko Hortaea werneckii. Ta v slanem okolju izjemno uspešno nadomesti izgubo turgorja in prepreči toksičnost natrijevih ionov, kar ji omogoča rast celo v raztopinah, skoraj nasičenih z NaCl. Negativni vpliv hiperozmolarnega okolja prepreči s povečanim prispevkom energije, potrebne za dva energetsko potratna procesa: izločanje ionov, ki vdirajo v celico, nazaj v okolje in za sintezo kompatibilnih topljencev. Integriteto in delovanje celic pod stresom vzdržuje s spremembami v sestavi membran in celične stene. Razumevanje odgovorov na povišano slanost pri črni kvasovki H. werneckii in drugih glivah je razširilo naše znanje o odpornosti mikrobov/ gliv na stres in spodbudilo uporabo trenutno ne dovolj izkoriščenega biotehnološkega potenciala gliv, ki živijo v skrajnostnih okoljih. Environments where physicochemical parameters have values close to the bottom or top limits known for life can be considered as extreme environments. In the case of hypersaline environments, the limiting factor is high concentration of NaCl and other salts, which are frequently accompanied by other types of stress, such as high temperature, high UV radiation, low oxygen concentration, or fluctuating nutrients. We now know that microbial life can exist over the whole range of salt concentrations that are found in natural habitats, from freshwater environments to waters saturated with sodium chloride. Hypersaline environments support substantial microbial communities of selected halotolerant and halophilic organisms, including bacteria, archaea, algae, protozoa and fungi. In this article we will focus on the most successful eukaryotic microbes – fungi in hypersaline water of solar salterns, represented by the dominant species, the black yeast Hortaea werneckii. It has an outstanding ability to overcome the turgor loss and sodium toxicity that are typical for hypersaline environments which facilitates its growth even in solutions that are almost saturated with NaCl. The negative impact of a hyperosmolar environment is counteracted by an increase in the energy supply that is needed to drive the energy demanding export of ions and synthesis of compatible solutes. Changes of membrane lipid composition and cell-wall structure maintain the integrity and functioning of the stressed cells. Understanding salt responses of H. werneckii and other fungi will extend our knowledge of microbial/fungal stress tolerance and promote the use of the currently unexploited biotechnological potential of fungi that live in hypersaline environments.
关 键 词: 极端环境; 营养波动; 技术潜力
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2023-07-21:chenjy
最后编审: 2023-07-21:chenjy
阅读次数: 16