

Krog sklopljene zaznave in odziva / The cycle of perception-action coupling
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/bzid2011_belusic_zaznave/  
主讲教师: Gregor Belušič
开课单位: 卢布尔雅那大学
开课时间: 2011-10-24
课程语种: 其它
课程简介: Vedenje živali se oblikuje znotraj cikla sklopljene zaznave in odziva, percepcije in akcije. Tok podatkov iz okolja, v čutilih pretvorjen v vzburjenje, proži odzive v efektorskih organih. Najosnovnejša vedenja so posredovana prek refleksov in podedovanih vedenjskih vzorcev. Zapletenejša integracija med zaznavo in odzivom je omogočena z obdelavo podatkov v več smereh in s povratnimi zankami v središčih centralnega živčevja. Senzomotorična integracija je prikazana na primeru vodenja gibov očesnega zrkla prek obdelave vidnih podatkov v zgornjem koliklu. Povratne zveze iz integracijskih in efektorskih središč v čutilna središča so prikazane na primeru modulacije vzdražnosti nevronov v vidnem korteksu s strani središč, ki uravnavajo pozornost, in s strani motoričnih središč. Višji nivoji integracije v okviru cikla zaznave in odziva so prikazani na primerih asociativnih središč v možganski skorji, kjer se porajajo višji kognitivni procesi, kakršna sta spomin ali zavest. Animal behavior is generated within the cycle of perception-action coupling. The flow of information from the environment is transduced in the sensory organs to excitation, which in turn triggers responses in the effector organs. The basic behaviors are mediated through reflexes and inherited behavioral patterns. More sophisticated integration of perception and action is enabled by the processing of information in multiple directions and with reafferent loops in the centres of the central nervous system. Sensomotory integration is demonstrated through the case of the eyeball movement regulation via the processing of visual information in the superior colliculus. Reafferent loops from the integration and effector centres to sensory centers are represented through the cases of modulation of excitability of visual neurons in the visual cortex by the centers which regulate attention, and by the motor centres. Higher levels of integration within the cycle of perception- -action coupling are demonstrated through the cases of associative centres in the cortex, where higher cognitive processes are generated, such as memory or consciousness.
关 键 词: 动物行为; 耦合循环; 联想中心
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2023-07-23:chenjy
最后编审: 2023-07-23:chenjy
阅读次数: 15