
Lecture 5 - Present Value Prices and the Real Rate of Interest
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/yalemecon251f09_geanakoplos_lec05/  
主讲教师: John Geanakoplos
开课单位: 耶鲁大学
开课时间: 2012-03-17
课程语种: 英语
数千年来,哲学家和神学家一直反对兴趣。但那是因为他们不明白是什么引起了人们的兴趣。Irving Fisher在一般均衡(GE)的基础上,通过将时间和资产引入GE模型,建立了一个金融均衡模型。他看到,今天的苹果和明年的苹果之间的贸易完全类似于今天苹果和橙子之间的贸易。同样,他看到,在一个没有不确定性的世界里,股票和债券等资产只有在未来支付股息时才具有重要意义,就像多种商品的捐赠一样。有了这些见解,费舍尔能够证明,他可以用与我们求解一般均衡时完全相同的技术来求解利率、现值价格、资产价格和配置的金融均衡模型。他得出的结论是,实际利率是一个相对价格,就像任何其他相对价格一样,是由市场参与者的偏好和禀赋决定的,这种见解与人类历史上哲学家的直觉背道而驰。他的理论没有解释名义利率或通货膨胀,只解释了它们的比率。
课程简介: Philosophers and theologians have railed against interest for thousands of years. But that is because they didn't understand what causes interest. Irving Fisher built a model of financial equilibrium on top of general equilibrium (GE) by introducing time and assets into the GE model. He saw that trade between apples today and apples next year is completely analogous to trade between apples and oranges today. Similarly he saw that in a world without uncertainty, assets like stocks and bonds are significant only for the dividends they pay in the future, just like an endowment of multiple goods. With these insights Fisher was able to show that he could solve his model of financial equilibrium for interest rates, present value prices, asset prices, and allocations with precisely the same techniques we used to solve for general equilibrium. He concluded that the real rate of interest is a relative price, and just like any other relative price, is determined by market participants' preferences and endowments, an insight that runs counter to the intuitions held by philosophers throughout much of human history. His theory did not explain the nominal rate of interest or inflation, but only their ratio.
关 键 词: 现值价格; 实际利率; 金融均衡模型
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2023-10-20:liyq
最后编审: 2023-10-20:liyq
阅读次数: 15