
Bel, Germany
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/notmorenotless2011_leeser_bel/  
主讲教师: Jörg Leeser
开课单位: 信息不详。欢迎您在右侧留言补充。
开课时间: 2011-04-22
课程语种: 英语
Jörg Leeser 是一位德国建筑师,也是 BeL 的创始合伙人。BeL 是一家位于德国科隆的建筑事务所,由他和合伙人 Anne-Julchen Bernhardt 于 2000 年创立。对于我们来说,BeL 是德国当代最有前途的建筑事务所之一;它也是我们所知道的最不寻常的德国办公室之一。德国建筑主要痴迷于技术和功能,它希望做到 100% 可靠并消除所有疑虑。德国建筑的成功和悲剧在于,它常常也实现了这些目标。它是成功的,因为建造有效的建筑并不完全是坏事。但如果这就是一座建筑的全部,那它也是一种悲剧。为了克服这种日耳曼辩证法,BeL 的实践建立在理性与超现实可能结合的假设之上。他们认为,只要你足够认真地对待理性,它最终就会揭示出潜在的非理性的反面。他们故意误读了德国科技迷的决定论,揭示了一个几乎神秘莫测的宇宙。他们的行为逻辑遵循有条不紊的双重束缚:当他们睡觉时枕头下放着诺伊弗特,他们醒来时很容易发现舌头上沾着施维特斯。如果他们力求数学上的单一性,那么他们注定会陷入歧义。在德国用如此扭曲的心态来建造建筑无异于自找麻烦。因此,在过去的几年里,BeL 不得不走在无休止的竞争、绝望的客户和无能的批评者的石路上。但正如他们的名字所暗示的那样,BeL 精神抖擞,充满耐心和毅力,知道他们的时代终将到来。经过十年的不断实践,他们创造了一种独特的建筑方式,幸运的是,这种方式如今也越来越多地在建筑中得到体现,并且最终可能帮助德国建筑发现怀疑的优点。2011年,他们被德国艺术学院授予Kunstpreis Baukunst。
课程简介: Jörg Leeser is a German architect and a founding partner of BeL, an architecture office based in Cologne, Germany, founded in 2000 by him and his partner Anne-Julchen Bernhardt. For us BeL is one of the most promising architecture offices in Germany of its generation; it is also one of the most unusual German offices we know. German Architecture is primarily obsessed with technology and functionality, it wants to be a 100 % reliable and eliminate all doubt. The success and tragedy of German Architecture is that often enough it also fulfils these goals. It is a success because it is not exactly bad to be in building that works; but if that’s all there is to a building, it is also kind of tragic. To overcome this germanic dialectics, BeL has built its practice upon the assumption that its possible to marry the rational and the surreal. They argue that if only you take the rational seriously enough, it will ultimately reveal a latent irrational counter side. Wilfully misreading the determinism of German Technophilia, they uncover a universe of almost mystic inexplainability. The logic of their actions is guided by a methodic double-bind: When they go to bed with Neufert under their pillow, they are prone to wake up with Schwitters on their tongue. If they strive for mathematical monosemy, they are bound to end up in ambiguity. To make architecture in Germany with such a twisted mindset is tantamount to asking for trouble. And so for years past BeL had to walk the stony trail of endless competitions, hopeless clients and clueless critics. But good-spirited as their names suggests, BeL have been patient and enduring, knowing their time will come. Over a period of 10 years of ceaseless practice they have crafted a unique way of making architecture, one which today luckily materializes more and more in buildings, too, and one which ultimately might help German Architecture to discover the virtue of the doubt. In 2011 they have been awarded the Kunstpreis Baukunst by the German Acadamy of the Arts.
关 键 词: 德国贝尔; 德国建筑; 弗拉巴公司
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2023-10-24:wujk
最后编审: 2023-10-24:wujk
阅读次数: 10