瑞士 HHF

HHF, Switzerland
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/notmorenotless2011_hartmann_hhf/  
主讲教师: Simon Hartmann
开课单位: HHF 建筑事务所
开课时间: 2011-04-22
课程语种: 英语
西蒙·哈特曼 (Simon Hartmann) 是一位瑞士建筑师,自 2003 年以来一直是巴塞尔 HHF 建筑师事务所的创始合伙人之一。他的工作室属于瑞士新兴实践团体,代表了过去 30 年瑞士近代建筑非凡历史中的第三代实践。第一代是由赫尔佐格和德梅隆、迪纳和迪纳、彼得·卒姆托和彼得·马尔克利等老一代大师定义的,他们是英雄的一代,他们将瑞士极简主义的史诗传奇打造为当代瑞士的民族文化品牌。第二代由从旧大师办公室成长起来的建筑师组成,例如 Gigon & Guyer、Morger Degelo、Miller & Maranta——一代忠实的信徒,在他们父亲形象的设计魔咒下如此坚定地站立,以至于他们基本上将自己的脚步钻得更深,而没有寻找真正新的探索路径。与此同时,由HHF、EM2N、E2A、POOL、Christ & Gantenbein等建筑师组成的第三代建筑师必须在某种程度上摆脱他们的祖先,以防止他们的血液进一步稀释,并通过拓宽领域来做到这一点瑞士以外的建筑灵感。这是第一代瑞士建筑,不再是双重意义上的纯粹模拟——不言而喻的是,随着数字设计工具的发展,但也摆脱了模拟建筑的影响,后功能主义瑞士建筑的主导设计意识形态及其对抗后现代主义的秘密顺势疗法。HHF 好奇地参与当代建筑的国际话语,并不将其建筑活动限制在自己的地盘上,而是热衷于在德国、中国、墨西哥和美国等广泛不同的环境中开展工作。
课程简介: Simon Hartmann is a Swiss architect and one of the founding partners of HHF architects based in Basel since 2003. His office belongs to a group of emerging Swiss practices that represent a third generation in the phenomenal history of recent Swiss Architecture during the past 30 years. The first generation was defined by the meanwhile old masters such as Herzog & De Meuron, Diener & Diener, Peter Zumthor and Peter Märkli, the heroic generation that built the epic saga of Swiss minimalism as a national cultural brand of contemporary Switzerland. The second generation was constituted by architects that grew out of the old masters’ offices, such as Gigon & Guyer, Morger Degelo, Miller & Maranta – a generation of devoted disciples standing so strongly under the design spell of their father figures that they basically drilled their footsteps deeper in the ground without looking for genuinely new paths of exploration. The third generation meanwhile, constituted by architects such as HHF, EM2N, E2A, POOL, and Christ & Gantenbein, had to break free of their ancestors to some extent in a way to prevent thinning their blood any further and did so by broadening the field of architectural inspirations beyond Switzerland. It is the first generation of Swiss Architecture that is no longer purely analog in a double sense of the word – growing up self-evidently with digital design tools but also growing out of the influence of Analogue Architecture, the dominating design ideology of post-functionalist Swiss Architecture and its secret homeopathic remedy against Post-modernism. Curiously participating in the international discourse of contemporary architecture, HHF don’t restrain their archtitectural activities to their home turf, but are keen on working in broadly different contexts such as Germany, China, Mexico and the USA.
关 键 词: 瑞士建筑; 数字设计工具; 当代建筑
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2023-10-24:wujk
最后编审: 2023-10-24:wujk
阅读次数: 20