
Open House
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/creativexchange2018_bernardy_open_house/...  
主讲教师: Sebastian Bernardy
开课单位: 信息不详。欢迎您在右侧留言补充。
开课时间: 2018-04-10
课程语种: 英语
数字手册、DIY 说明、设计灵感和参考模型的日益普及促进了业余家庭建筑的兴起,但它无法为未经培训的众多项目提供专业依据和建议。大量的网站致力于创建小物品、重新装饰和修理房屋,但让雄心勃勃的用户束手无策。为了修复专家和房主之间的裂痕,开放日旨在建立知识和雄心之间的社会合资企业。通过各种方式,用户可以通过建筑配方自动售货机、个人咨询和非处方故障排除来在线和现场寻求帮助,在此过程中交换的唯一物品是经验和支持。通过开放日,建筑和设计成为社区的临时中心,将客户变成参与其中的工人,以实现各种性质的个人项目。
课程简介: The increasingly ubiquitous availability of digital manuals, DIY instructions, design inspirations and reference models has contributed to a rise in amateur domestic construction, yet it fails to provide professional basis and advice to the numerous projects undertaken by the untrained. A plethora of websites is dedicated to creating small objects, redecorating and fixing one’s home but leaves the ambitious user helpless. In order to repair the rift between expert and homeowner, Open House is created towards a social joint venture between knowledge and ambition. Through various means, the user can seek help on-line and on-site by working with a vending machine of architectural recipes, personal consulting and over-the-counter troubleshooting, experience and support being the only goods exchanged during the process. With Open House, architecture and design become a drop-in centre for the neighbourhood, turning clients into involved workers to realise individual projects of all natures.
关 键 词: 开放日; 业余家庭建筑; 建筑和设计
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2023-10-24:wujk
最后编审: 2023-10-24:wujk
阅读次数: 16