
Innovation to Commercialization: Using Government Funding to Kick Start Your Start-Up
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_gellerman_innovation/  
主讲教师: Bruce Gellerman; Thomas Allnutt; Milton Chen; Christopher Loose; Bill Townsend
开课单位: 美国国家科学基金会
开课时间: 2012-08-07
课程语种: 英语
这个信息丰富的圆桌会议为想成为小企业企业家的人提供了关于获取政府资金的有用提示。通过对话和问答,主持人Bruce Gellerman从国家科学基金会小企业项目官员和从政府项目中受益的科技首席执行官那里引出了一些关键的注意事项。 Thomas Allnut表示,美国国家科学基金会只是向小企业发放资金的10家机构之一,他的计划“处于中间阶段,每年有1.1亿美元用于向负责任的小企业发放技术,以将技术推向市场。”总的来说,2007年,政府向员工少于500人的企业发放了25亿美元。虽然一些机构,如国防部,有任务驱动的招标(例如,更好的子弹或背心),但美国国家科学基金会有更广泛的授权。 虽然美国国家科学基金会每年10万美元的第一阶段拨款和75万美元的第二阶段拨款对一些企业家来说可能是小菜一碟,但Allnut表示,“我们希望收购没有……资本的小公司,这些公司无法在技术上承担巨大风险,并给他们一点动力,让他们尝试一些他们不会尝试的东西。” 对Milton Chen来说,在公司发展的关键时刻,各种各样的小企业资助“让我睡得更安稳了”。他的实时视频会议软件公司VSee已经开始发货,现金流忽高忽低。“有了额外的资金,我们雇佣了一些额外的人。 Christopher Loose在麻省理工学院100k竞赛中成立了一家公司,开发“预防感染的尖端功能表面”。他完成了美国国家科学基金会的第一阶段资助,这使Semprus Biosciences能够开发出关于安全性和有效性的广泛数据包。他建议在写拨款申请之前与项目主管交谈,以便“在SBIR的精神下工作”。他还认为申请过程本身就是“一个很好的练习”,迫使你“批判性地思考你的发展计划” 比尔·汤森(Bill Townsend)已经建立自己的企业20年了,他认为SBIR的拨款“帮了他很大的忙”。他的机器人公司“很难筹集到资金。机器人在外面看起来可能很有趣,尤其是对工程师来说,但它的规模是香味蜡烛市场的三分之一。”。他的故事“对风投来说不是一个引人注目的故事”。他向政府推销机器人技术的“长期赌注”。他说,事实证明,小企业补助金非常适合中等增长——“这是除信用卡之外为数不多的赚钱方式之一。”
课程简介: This informative roundtable provides useful tips to wanna-be small biz entrepreneurs on snagging government dollars. Through conversation and Q&A, moderator Bruce Gellerman elicits some key dos and don’ts from a National Science Foundation small business program officer, and from tech CEOs who have benefited from the government’s programs. Thomas Allnut says that NSF is but one of 10 agencies that distribute money to small businesses, and that his program is “in the middle of the pack, with $110 million per year to give away to responsible small businesses to get technology into the market place.” All told, in 2007, the government gave away $2.5 billion to businesses of fewer than 500 employees. While some agencies, like Department of Defense, have mission-driven solicitations (e.g., better bullets or vests), NSF has a broader mandate. While NSF’s first phase grants of $100 thousand and second phase grants of $750 thousand per year may seem small potatoes to some entrepreneurs, Allnut says, “We want to take small companies without…capitalization, who can’t afford to take a huge risk on technology and give them a little boost to try something they wouldn’t try otherwise.” For Milton Chen, an assortment of small business grants at vital times during his company’s evolution “let me sleep a little easier.” His real-time video conferencing software company, VSee, had begun shipping its product, and cash flows were zooming up and down. “Having extra money helped; we hired some extra people.” Looking back, he says, it was a good move not seeking venture capital funding at this time, since they expected a rapid ramp up to profitability, and government funding bought VSee the time to work on “subtle, hard science issues” before facing the vicissitudes of the marketplace. Christopher Loose began a company out of the MIT 100k Competition, developing “cutting edge functional surfaces to prevent infections.” He’s completed NSF first phase funding, which enabled Semprus Biosciences to develop a broad package of data about safety and efficacy. He recommends talking to program directors before writing a grant application, in order to “work within the spirit of SBIR.” He also thinks the very process of applying is “a good exercise,” forcing you to “think through your development plan critically.” Bill Townsend has been building his business for 20 years, and credits SBIR grants with “helping out tremendously.” His robotics company “had a hard time raising money. Robotics might look interesting on the outside, especially to engineers, but it’s 1/3rd the size of the scented candlestick market.” His was “not a compelling story for VC.” He sold the government on the “long term bet” of robotics. Small business grants prove perfect for medium growth, he says –“it’s one of the few ways to get money other than credit cards.”
关 键 词: 创新创业; 商业化; 风险投资
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2023-10-25:liyq
最后编审: 2023-10-30:liyq
阅读次数: 16