D-Lab I:开发

D-Lab I: Development
课程网址: https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/ec-701j-d-lab-i-development-fall-2009...  
主讲教师: Amy J. Smith; Prof. Bishwapriya Sanyal; Victor Grau Serrat
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2009-01-01
课程语种: 英语
D-Lab Development 在微观层面上为发展中国家解决技术改进问题,特别是如何通过采用低成本和可持续技术来改善低收入家庭的生活质量。通过讲座、案例研究、演讲嘉宾和实验室练习来解决发展问题和项目实施挑战的讨论。学生组成项目团队,与发展中国家的大多数地方级组织合作,并制定IAP实地考察的计划。(以前的实地考察点包括加纳、巴西、洪都拉斯和印度。项目组会议的重点是制定具体项目,包括对要访问的国家和地方的文化、社会、政治、环境和经济概况以及当地语言的介绍。
课程简介: D-Lab Development addresses issues of technological improvements at the micro level for developing countries—in particular, how the quality of life of low-income households can be improved by adaptation of low cost and sustainable technologies. Discussion of development issues as well as project implementation challenges are addressed through lectures, case studies, guest speakers and laboratory exercises. Students form project teams to partner with mostly local level organizations in developing countries, and formulate plans for an IAP site visit. (Previous field sites include Ghana, Brazil, Honduras and India.) Project team meetings focus on developing specific projects and include cultural, social, political, environmental and economic overviews of the countries and localities to be visited as well as an introduction to the local languages.
关 键 词: 改进问题; 生活质量; 当地语言
课程来源: 麻省理工学院公开课
数据采集: 2023-10-30:chenjy
最后编审: 2023-10-30:chenjy
阅读次数: 16