
18. Situated Interaction
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/ijcai09_bohus_si/  
主讲教师: Dan Bohus; Eric Horvitz
开课单位: 微软公司
开课时间: 2009-06-20
课程语种: 英语
该视频概述了Microsoft Research的“定位交互”项目,该项目致力于开发开放式交互系统,可将交互和计算深入嵌入日常任务,活动和协作的自然流程中。该视频突出了项目目标,并审查了一个原型平台,该平台将几个组件技术融合在一起,包括有关活动和目标的学习和推理,语音识别和综合,视觉,会话场景分析和多方对话管理,以支持与多个用户的流畅互动。一个开放的世界背景。该视频说明了在平台上运行的应用程序(名为Receptionist)的几个挑战和能力,该应用程序处理建筑接待员领域的问题。
课程简介: This video provides an overview of the Situated Interaction project at Microsoft Research, an effort towards developing open-world interactive systems that can embed interaction and computation deeply into the natural flow of daily tasks, activities and collaborations. The video highlights project goals and reviews a prototype platform which weaves together several component technologies, including learning and inference about activities and goals, speech recognition and synthesis, vision, conversational scene analysis, and multiparty dialog management, to support fluid interactions with multiple users in an open-world context. The video illustrates several challenges and competencies with an application running on the platform, named Receptionist, that handles problems in the domain of building receptionists.
关 键 词: 情境互动; 微软; 评价原型平台
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2021-12-24:liyy
阅读次数: 71