
Lecture 13 - The Prince and the Palace: Human Made Divine on the Palatine Hill
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/yalehsar252s09_kleiner_lec13/  
主讲教师: Diana E. E. Kleiner
开课单位: 耶鲁大学
开课时间: 2010-08-16
课程语种: 英语
克莱纳教授调查了最后一位弗拉维皇帝图密善皇帝的主要建筑委托。她从提图斯凯旋门开始,提图斯死后,他的兄弟图密善在以前被尼禄的多莫斯·特兰西托利亚占领的土地上建立了这座凯旋门。拱门庆祝了提图斯最伟大的成就——弗拉维在犹太战争中的胜利——并且可能是提图斯的坟墓。克莱纳教授还讨论了图密善体育场,其形状保留在罗马纳沃纳广场。她的主要关注点是位于帕拉蒂尼山的巨大皇宫,由建筑师拉比里乌斯设计,以图密善为主角和神。该建筑由砖面混凝土建造,并用彩色进口大理石进行修整,分为公共翼楼和私人翼楼,它是如此宏伟,以至于成为后来所有罗马皇帝的城市住所。讲座以所谓的“Forum Transitorium”结束,这是一个由图密善开始并由他的继任者涅尔瓦完成的狭窄论坛,其中有一座供奉图密善守护神密涅瓦的神庙,以及一系列装饰性的柱状海湾,营造出生动的进出起伏。这预示着罗马建筑“巴洛克”阶段的开始。
课程简介: Professor Kleiner investigates the major architectural commissions of the emperor Domitian, the last Flavian emperor. She begins with the Arch of Titus, erected after Titus' death by his brother Domitian on land previously occupied by Nero's Domus Transitoria. The Arch celebrated Titus' greatest accomplishment--the Flavian victory in the Jewish Wars--and may have served as Titus' tomb. Professor Kleiner also discusses the Stadium of Domitian, the shape of which is preserved in Rome's Piazza Navona. Her major focus is the vast Imperial Palace on the Palatine Hill designed by the architect Rabirius and featuring Domitian as dominus et deus (lord and god). Constructed from brick-faced concrete and revetted with multicolored imported marbles, this structure was divided into public and private wings, and was so magnificent that it served as the urban residence of all subsequent Roman emperors. The lecture concludes with the so-called Forum Transitorium, a narrow forum begun by Domitian and finished by his successor Nerva, which features a temple to Domitian's patron goddess Minerva and a series of decorative columnar bays that create a lively in-and-out undulation that heralds the beginning of a "baroque" phase in Roman architecture.
关 键 词: 罗马建筑; 提图斯凯旋门; 图密善体育场
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2023-11-08:wujk
最后编审: 2023-11-08:wujk
阅读次数: 12