第 16 讲 - 罗马港口奥斯蒂亚的罗马生与死方式

Lecture 16 - The Roman Way of Life and Death at Ostia, the Port of Rome
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/yalehsar252s09_kleiner_lec16/  
主讲教师: Diana E. E. Kleiner
开课单位: 耶鲁大学
开课时间: 2010-08-16
课程语种: 英语
克莱纳教授重点关注罗马港口奥斯蒂亚,其特点是多层住宅建筑和广泛使用砖面混凝土。她从城市的公众形象开始——论坛、国会大厦、剧院和企业广场。剧院后面的广场是各种航运公司的所在地,用黑白马赛克宣传他们的业务。克莱纳教授检查了海王星浴场和戴安娜岛,这是一座四层砖砌公寓楼,居住着许多奥斯蒂亚的工薪家庭。戴安娜岛和其他类似的建筑,包括像Horrea Epagathiana这样的仓库,展示了二世纪奥斯蒂亚的一个基本特征:对砖饰面美学品质的欣赏。自尼禄时代以来,砖块通常覆盖着灰泥和油漆,但这些奥斯蒂安建筑的表面是裸露的砖块,其颜色、纹理和设计使其本身就具有吸引力。讲座最后对奥斯蒂亚的几处独栋住宅进行了调查,其中包括四世纪的丘比特和普赛克之家,该屋以其墙壁和地板上的柔和色彩大理石护岸以及这对传奇恋人的迷人雕像而闻名。
课程简介: Professor Kleiner focuses on Ostia, the port of Rome, characterized by its multi-storied residential buildings and its widespread use of brick-faced concrete. She begins with the city's public face--the Forum, Capitolium, Theater, and Piazzale delle Corporazioni. The Piazzale, set behind the Theater, was the location of various shipping companies with black-and-white mosaics advertising their business. Professor Kleiner examines the Baths of Neptune and the Insula of Diana, a brick apartment building with four floors that housed a number of Ostia's working families. The Insula of Diana and other similar structures, including warehouses like the Horrea Epagathiana, demonstrate a fundamental feature of second-century Ostia: the appreciation of the aesthetic qualities of brick facing. Since the time of Nero, brick was customarily covered with stucco and paint, but these Ostian buildings are faced with exposed brick, the color, texture, and design of which make it attractive in its own right. The lecture ends with a survey of several single family dwellings in Ostia, including the fourth-century House of Cupid and Psyche, notable for the pastel-colored marble revetment on its walls and floors and for a charming statue of the legendary lovers.
关 键 词: 罗马建筑; 罗马港口; 奥斯蒂安建筑
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2023-11-09:wujk
最后编审: 2023-11-09:wujk
阅读次数: 25