

Trimo Leadership Alumni Club: New Initiative for Distributed Leadership
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/incogoesglobal2011_klopcic_tlac/  
主讲教师: Sonja Klopčič
开课时间: 2011-05-12
课程语种: 英语
Trimo的领导力发展过程的参与者五个步骤已经建立了TLAK– Trimo Leadership Alumni Club。该俱乐部的使命是通过开发领导力,测试并将新方法转化为Trimo Group的实践来共同创建Trimo开发故事。 TLAK开发并建立了一体化,协作和分布式领导的文化,每个领导者都在其领域创造,并与其他人共同协作并与其他人共同追求共同目标。 TLAK的领导者希望分享为每个人创造独特领导风格的整体方法,以支持领导者代表他们的愿景和个人价值观。分享的重要部分也是对企业价值观的共同理解,以及它们在我们日常活动中的表现形式。 TLAK通过其创新方法支持领导者的个人发展以及Trimo Group的领导力。
课程简介: Trimo’s participants of the leadership developing process Five Steps have established TLAK – Trimo Leadership Alumni Club. The Club's mission is to co-create Trimo development story by developing leadership, testing and transferring new approaches into practice of Trimo Group. TLAK develops and builds a culture of integration, collaboration and distributed leadership, where every leader creates in his/her field and in collaboration and networking with other jointly pursue common goals. Leaders in TLAK want to share the holistic approach of creating unique leadership style for each individual, to support the leaders to stand for their vision and personal values . The important part of sharing is also common understanding of corporate values, and their manifestation in our daily activities. TLAK trough its innovative approach supports the personal development of leaders as well of leadership in Trimo Group.
关 键 词: 领导校友会; 协作和分布式领导; 领导风格
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-09-26:yumf
阅读次数: 39