
Talk to an Angel: Crucial Connections to Early Stage Capital
课程网址: https://videolectures.net/mitworld_debate_capital/  
主讲教师: James Geshwiler; John May; Robert Greene; David Friend; Cynthia Fisher
开课单位: 新华帝集团
开课时间: 2013-09-03
课程语种: 英语
哪个企业家不想被天使感动?这个小组提供的建议可能会让有抱负的商界人士更接近这个梦想。 Bob Greene说,对于需要快速但少量现金注入的好想法,天使只是入场券。如果你“和某人坐下来吃早餐,他们喜欢”你的计划,他们“可能会在咖啡边开25000美元的支票。”但如果你需要50多万美元,最好的选择可能是风险投资。 约翰·梅说,在估计有850万美国百万富翁的人群中找到你的天使的最好方法是通过网络。使用律师、会计师、技术委员会和地区企业孵化器在你的社区中搜索“套现企业家和高净值人士”。 但是,David Friend警告说,“遇到他们最糟糕的时候是你试图从他们那里赚钱。”与你潜在的天使建立友好的关系,“先谈谈帆板运动或技术,然后回来寻求建议。”Friend说,“像我这样创业的大多数人都喜欢提供建议——这是发自内心的。” 辛西娅·费舍尔(Cynthia Fisher)表示,寻找天使投资者可能毫无结果的一个领域是生物技术,她在创办第一家公司时就扮演了自己的天使。“生物技术很热门,但有很长的筹备时间:8到10年的药物发现和数千万美元的私人股本。”她建议,想想风险投资和政府资助。 梅建议,在“非金融领域”找一个天使:说“我想要你的Rolodex和一个可以哭泣的肩膀,可以接触到组建团队的人,在知识产权方面提供帮助。”这可能会导致“比纯粹的银行或风险投资关系更持久的纽带” 但要小心你的愿望。一旦加入,天使投资者可能希望以侵入性的方式提供指导。费舍尔说:“这可能是生死攸关的,取决于你对公司的长期和短期目标有没有共同的愿景。这是一场婚姻。”格林说:“你可能会遇到一位伟大的亿万富翁天使,他给你一百万美元的创业金,而你完全感激他或她。然后他们控制了局面。多元化很好。”最终,准备放弃一些控制权。费舍尔说:“谁有金子,谁就有规则。”但格林回应道:“如果经理们做得不错,风险投资或天使最不希望的就是你把钥匙扔给他们。”
课程简介: What entrepreneur doesn’t long to be touched by an angel? This panel offers tips that might bring aspiring business people closer to that dream. For good ideas that need a fast but small infusion of cash, angels are just the ticket, says Bob Greene. If you “sit down with someone over breakfast and they love” your plan, they “may write a check over coffee for $25,000.” But if you need more than half a million dollars, the better bet might be venture capital. The best way to find your angel within the pool of an estimated 8.5 million U.S. millionaires, says John May, is through networking. Search your community for “cashed-out entrepreneurs and high net-worth individuals” using lawyers, accountants, tech councils and regional business incubators. But, warns David Friend, “the worst time to meet them is when you’re trying to get money out of them.” Establish a friendly relationship with your potential angel, “talk about windsurfing or technology first, then come back and ask for advice.” Says Friend, “Most people like me who started their own business love to give advice -- it’s in the blood.” The one area where seeking angel investors may prove fruitless is biotech, suggests Cynthia Fisher, who acted as her own angel when launching her first company. “Biotech is hot but there’s a long lead time: eight to 10 years of drug discovery and tens of millions of dollars, or north of that, with private equity.” Think venture capital and government funding, she recommends. Pitch an angel “on nonfinancial areas,” suggests May: Say “I want your Rolodex and a shoulder to cry on, access to people to form a team, help with intellectual property.” This can lead to a “bond that lasts longer than a pure bank or VC relationship.” But be careful what you wish for. Once on board, an angel investor may wish to offer guidance in an intrusive way. Fisher says, “It can be life or death based on do you have a shared vision for the long and short term goals of the company. It is a marriage.” Greene says, “You might meet a great billionaire angel who offers you a million dollars to start and you’re totally beholden to him or her. And then they control the cards. It’s good to diversify.” Ultimately, prepare to give up some control. Says Fisher, “He who has the gold, rules.” But responds, Green, “If managers are doing a decent job, the last thing a VC or angel wants is for you to toss the keys to them.”
关 键 词: 早期资本; 风险投资; 天使投资者
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2023-11-16:liyq
最后编审: 2023-11-16:liyq
阅读次数: 18