

Competition vs Competences
课程网址: https://videolectures.net/incogoesglobal2011_adamic_cvc/  
主讲教师: Aleš Adamič
开课单位: SUPORTAL有限公司
开课时间: 2011-05-11
课程语种: 英语
课程简介: The era and crisis situation that economy and society is witnessing is in demand of low spending on recourses and at the same time high added value. The rules of the game are changing the paradigm shift is accruing. Competence as a result of producing top end results is a new paradigm. Competence is becoming a derivate of efficiency and high added value. The innovative creative approach is needed to satisfy demanding criteria we are facing. Innovation comes from talent. Talented individuals put together creative teams automatically focused to invent high added value products. Based on new paradigm criteria such top result producing teams and individuals become most competent experts in their field. Status of competent expert in a new paradigm is given by the end users of the product-service. This kind of value based thinking produces breakthrough results in a face of current world situation. Focus shifts from competition to supporting creativity and innovation that is based on unique talents of every individual involved in the process. Greater goals are achieved in shorter periods of time. Xmodul© is a tool created on high added value focused thinking. The practical usage of the Xmodul© in human management field and goals setting environments will be demonstrated and the examples from the field showing measurable results will be covered during the speech.
关 键 词: 竞争与能力; 人力管理; 人才创新
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2023-11-16:liyq
最后编审: 2023-11-16:liyq
阅读次数: 19