
Innovation, Business Models and Business Models Innovation
课程网址: https://videolectures.net/mitworld_chang_ka/  
主讲教师: Morris Chang
开课单位: 台湾半导体制造公司有限公司
开课时间: 2013-08-01
课程语种: 英语
当Morris Chang创办半导体公司时,他并不依赖商业模式,因为这个概念还没有发明出来。“20年前,”张说,“我们在年报中谈论的都是产品和服务。”他认为,规划和管理与客户和供应商的关系是现代商业模式的核心,对张的公司来说是有机的,对台积电的成功至关重要。事实上,在商业模式上进行创新往往比技术进步更困难,因为技术进步很容易被复制。「谁赚的钱最多?」张问。在计算机行业,以戴尔为例,它“在技术上没有真正的创新”,但为客户提供了一种大大改进的订购方式。或者星巴克(Starbucks),它“用一杯50美分的咖啡做了一杯3美元的咖啡”。张自己的台积电(TSMC)始于1987年,专注于半导体行业,并形成了一种独特的制造设计的商业模式
课程简介: When Morris Chang was launching his semiconductor company, he didn’t rely on a business model -- because the concept had yet to be invented. “20 years ago,” says Chang, “all we talked about in annual reports were products and services.” Planning and managing relationships with customers and suppliers, central to contemporary business models, emerged organically for Chang’s company, and proved critical to TSMC’s success, he believes. Indeed, forging innovations in business models is often more difficult than making technological advances, which can be readily copied. “Who has made the most money?” asks Chang. In the computer industry, take Dell, which “didn’t have real innovations in technology,” but came up with a vastly improved way for customers to order. Or Starbucks, which has “made a $3 dollar cup of coffee out of a 50-cent cup of coffee.” Chang’s own TSMC, which began in 1987, scoped out the semiconductor industry, and arrived at a unique business model of manufacturing designs provided by customers who served the communications, computer and defense industries. But in this highly competitive industry, Chang has had to revise his business plan regularly, as well as stay ahead in the R&D game. “Innovations of all kinds were needed for us to survive, let alone prosper.”
关 键 词: 创新模式; 商业模式; 半导体公司
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2023-11-17:liyq
最后编审: 2023-11-17:liyq
阅读次数: 16