
Bringing Management Tools and Ideas, Collaboration, and Learning-by-Doing to the Challenge of Global Health Delivery
课程网址: https://videolectures.net/mitworld_sastry_bmti/  
主讲教师: Anjali Sastry
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2010-09-10
课程语种: 英语
麻省理工学院印章上的拉丁语格言mens et manus–mind and hand–概括了安贾利·萨斯特里对学生在学院获得的理论和实践教育相结合的观点。她引用了麻省理工学院创始人William Barton Rogers 1860年对“智能文化与工业追求的最真诚合作”的告诫,认为这是边做边学的典范,是获得和应用知识的理想方式。这为她的教学方法与学生实践、测试、反思、分享的项目相结合奠定了基础,从而为企业的利益实施变革。实践的需要是萨斯特里学习观中不变的主题。就像在音乐、体育和国际象棋中一样,管理技能的实践会带来组织的改进。这就是为什么她认为学生必须有机会将理论应用于现实世界。这种假设检验是严谨研究的逻辑和本质延伸。它有多种形式:团队项目、课外活动、比赛和实习。萨斯特里赞同大卫·科尔布的“学习循环”模式:具体的经验、观察和反思,形成抽象的概念,然后进一步实施和分析。她思考这个循环是否能超越课堂学习,从而改变世界。她自己在医疗服务提供方面的研究和咨询就是基于这种循序渐进的方法。她强调,还需要一个综合、全面的视角。例如,营养不良的患者将无法吸收治疗艾滋病的药物;没有食物,药是不够的。至于更大的前景,她说:“显然我们必须解决全球变暖和碳排放问题,但我们也需要解决贫困问题。”萨斯特里提醒我们在检查数据时要认识到自己的内在偏见,从而得出有缺陷的结论。她说:“人类的思维受到了各种非常系统和已知的挑战。”。为了强化这一点,她列出了42种类型的判断错误,但补充说,我们可以训练自己通过有意识的注意力来捕捉这些谬论。萨斯特里经典的另一个原则是需要分享想法,她称之为“社区对话”。她认为,仅靠个人积累的知识不足以结出果实。必须共同评估经验,以建立一个有用的智慧体系。她断言,这就是改善社会面临的重大问题的希望所在。简言之,根据系统动态,萨斯特里的公式是“行动、审查、改进”。最后,她建议我们在努力中灌输“希望文化”:我们必须相信变革确实是可能的。
课程简介: The Latin motto on the MIT seal, mens et manus – mind and hand – encapsulates Anjali Sastry’s view of the combined theoretical and practical education that students gain at the Institute. She cites MIT founder William Barton Rogers’s 1860 exhortation for “the most earnest cooperation of intelligent culture with industrial pursuits” as the paradigm of learning by doing, the ideal way to gain and apply knowledge. This undergirds her approach to teaching in tandem with projects in which students practice, test, reflect, share, and thereby enact change for the benefit of an enterprise. The need for practice is a constant theme in Sastry’s view of learning. Just as in music, sports, and chess, practice in management skills results in organizational improvement. That is why she considers it imperative that students have opportunities to apply theory to real-world situations. Such hypothesis testing is the logical and essential extension of rigorous study. It takes place in many forms: team projects, extracurricular activities, competitions, and internships. Sastry endorses David Kolb’s “learning loop” model: concrete experience, observation and reflection, forming abstract concepts, then further implementing and analyzing. She ponders if this cycle can transcend classroom learning to engender change in the world. Her own research and consulting in health care delivery are based on such a stepped method. She stresses that an integrated, holistic perspective is also required. For instance, a malnourished patient will be unable to absorb drugs administered for AIDS; medicine is insufficient without food. As to the larger picture, she says “obviously we’ve got to tackle global warming and carbon emissions, but we also need to tackle poverty.” Sastry reminds us to recognize our intrinsic biases in examining data, leading to flawed conclusions. “Humans are prey to a variety of very systematic and known challenges to their thinking,” she says. To reinforce the point, she displays a list of 42 types of judgment errors, but adds that we can train ourselves to catch these fallacies through conscious attention. Another principle of Sastry’s canon is the need for sharing ideas, “community conversations” as she calls it. She believes cumulative individual knowledge alone is not enough to bear fruit. Experience must be evaluated collaboratively to build a body of useful wisdom. She asserts that this is where promise lies to ameliorate great issues facing society. In short, Sastry’s formula, informed by system dynamics, is “Act. Review. Improve.” Finally, she recommends that we inculcate “a culture of hope” in our efforts: we must believe that change is indeed possible.
关 键 词: 全球卫生服务; 领导力; 教育理念
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2023-11-17:liyq
最后编审: 2023-11-17:liyq
阅读次数: 12