
Placing Your Bets: Where Will the Smart Money Land?
课程网址: https://videolectures.net/mitworld_debate_smart/  
主讲教师: Robert Metcalfe; Ann Winblad; Guy Kawasaki
开课单位: 信息不详。欢迎您在右侧留言补充。
开课时间: 2013-09-03
课程语种: 英语
在这场随心所欲的对话中,三位IT和风险投资界的资深人士描述了技术投资的现状,并尝试预测下一个热门市场。Ann Winblad指出,无线是一个正在开拓的行业,提供“许多重要的小问题需要解决”。随着客户对安全和网络管理解决方案的需求,新公司将出现。Guy Kawasaki表示,“数字内容的销售是另一个热门领域。”当有人想在CNN这样的网站上看到一段视频时,“他们说你必须每月支付9.95美元,而你只想喝一口。”Metcalfe提出了“所有信息都将永远存储”的可能性,为企业以新的方式管理内容创造了机会。他还担心“我们将被所有全球定位卫星的经度和纬度所淹没。”温布拉德同意,我们现在“有能力随时随地跟踪任何东西或任何人,并保持与网络的连接。”然而,她说,没有足够的创新公司为消费者设计使用这些新跟踪技术的方法。该组织就投资硬件(尤其是路由器)是否有利可图展开了辩论。Winblad说,软件在切换和路由方面的改进可能是更好的风险。
课程简介: In this freewheeling conversation, three veterans of the IT and venture capital worlds describe the current state of technology investing, and make a stab at predicting the next hot markets. Ann Winblad points to wireless as a sector that is breaking open and offering “lots of important, small problems to solve.” New companies will emerge as customers demand solutions to security and network management. Guy Kawasaki says the “sale of digital content is another hot area.” When someone wants to glimpse a piece of video on a site like CNN, “They say you have to pay 9.95 a month—when all you want is to take a sip.” Metcalfe raises the possibility that “all information will be stored forever,” creating an opportunity for businesses to manage content in new ways. He also worries that “we’ll be buried by longitudes and latitudes from all the global positioning satellites.” Winblad agrees that we now have “the ability to track anything or anyone, anytime, anywhere, and to remain connected to a network.” However, there aren’t enough innovative companies devising ways for consumers to use these new tracking technologies, she says. The group debates whether investing in hardware, particularly routers, will prove profitable. Software-enabled improvements in switching and routing might be the better risk, says Winblad.
关 键 词: 智能货币; 风险投资; 网络管理
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2023-12-02:liyq
最后编审: 2023-12-02:liyq
阅读次数: 15