汽车行业的领导力:与荣休院长Glen Urban的对话

Leadership in the Automotive Industry: A Conversation with Dean Emeritus Glen Urban
课程网址: https://videolectures.net/mitworld_wagoner_lai/  
主讲教师: G. Richard Wagoner Jr
开课单位: 通用汽车公司
开课时间: 2013-12-09
课程语种: 英语
里克·瓦格纳的前景是乐观的,尽管通用汽车最近走过了崎岖不平的道路。他与麻省理工学院斯隆管理学院名誉院长Glen Urban讨论了通用汽车为应对去年100亿美元的损失而制定的积极复苏计划,以及他重新获得公众对通用汽车的信任和信心的决心。 瓦格纳认为,新的全球竞争既带来了挑战,也带来了机遇。印度和中国已经开放了“这个行业自20世纪30年代、40年代和50年代以来从未见过的”市场。但是,Wagoner继续说道,“我们有40多万退休人员”,他们都依赖通用汽车获得福利。“我们覆盖了美国约100万人,其中1%的60岁以上的人从通用汽车公司获得医疗保健。”鉴于人们的寿命越来越长,医疗程序和药物的成本在过去几十年中呈螺旋式上升,通用汽车数十亿的销售额被这些“遗留”成本所吞噬。与外国汽车制造商不同,通用汽车也有超过10万名小时工,无论他们是否在制造汽车,他们都能得到报酬。 但是,即使丰田力压通用汽车成为第一大汽车制造商,瓦格纳似乎也不担心。在裁员数千人并与工会谈判后,通用汽车将寻求“在正确的地方发展”。例如,该公司与上海一家汽车公司有着独特的合作关系,很快将供应中国12%的汽车。在旁白中,瓦格纳提到中国人“坚持别克品牌”——末代皇帝开的是别克,所以它在那里有一个“好形象”。这与美国消费者形成了鲜明对比,因为别克的名字已经“被污染了” 瓦格纳对目前的混合动力技术有点怀疑,因为通用汽车在20世纪90年代推出了一款人人钦佩但无人购买的电动汽车模型,这让他感到刺痛。他大力支持改进的燃料电池,这对一款具有单一推进系统的低碳排放汽车至关重要,该系统也可以与内燃机竞争。 瓦格纳环顾四周,看到了“其他没有成功的行业:钢铁、橡胶和航空公司。他们(对工人)抛弃了历史义务,只是说,对不起。”但他感到对过去和现在的员工以及“我们正在做的严肃、重要的工作”都有责任,“我们会在另一边非常有利地出场。”
课程简介: Rick Wagoner’s outlook is optimistic, in spite of the bumpy road General Motors has traveled recently. With MIT Sloan Dean Emeritus Glen Urban, he discusses GM’s aggressive recovery plans in response to $10 billion in losses last year, and his determination to regain the public’s trust and confidence in GM cars. Wagoner sees new global competition creating both challenges and opportunities. India and China have opened up markets “that this industry hasn’t seen ... since the 1930s, ‘40s and ‘50s.” But, continues Wagoner, “we have more than 400 thousand retirees,” all of whom are dependent on GM for benefits. “We cover about one million people in the U.S. -- 1% of people over 60 years old receive their health care from GM.” Given that people are living longer and costs of medical procedures and drugs have spiraled upward in the past few decades, GM’s billions in sales are eaten up by these “legacy” costs. GM also has more than 100 thousand hourly workers who get paid whether they’re building cars or not, unlike foreign auto manufacturers. But Wagoner, even with Toyota breathing down GM’s back for the spot as number one auto maker, doesn’t seem to sweat it. After cutting thousands of jobs and negotiating with unions, GM will look “to grow in the right places.” For instance, the company has a unique partnership with a Shanghai auto corporation, and will soon be supplying 12% of China’s cars. In an aside, Wagoner mentions that the Chinese “insisted on the Buick brand” -- the last emperor drove a Buick, so it’s got a “good image” over there. This is in sharp contrast to American consumers for whom the Buick name has “become polluted.” Wagoner’s a bit of a skeptic around current hybrid technology, having been stung when GM rolled out a model electric car in the 1990s that everyone admired but no one purchased. He’s throwing his weight behind improved fuel cells, which will be essential to a low carbon emissions car with a single propulsion system that can also compete with the internal combustion engine. Wagoner looks around and sees “other industries that haven’t made it: steel, rubber, the airlines. They’ve dumped their historical obligations (to workers) and just said, sorry.” But he feels responsibility both to employees past and present and to the “serious, important work we’re doing.” If GM can cut back on liabilities, he says, and leverage its great assets, “we’ll come out the other side very well positioned.”
关 键 词: 领导力; 汽车行业; 通用汽车
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2023-12-02:liyq
最后编审: 2023-12-02:liyq
阅读次数: 14