
Deep Edge-Aware Filters
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/icml2015_ren_deep_filters/  
主讲教师: Jimmy SJ. Ren
开课单位: 香港城市大学
开课时间: 2015-12-09
课程语种: 汉简
有许多边缘感知滤波器的构造形式和过滤特性各不相同。在单一框架中统一表示和加速它们似乎是不可能的。我们尝试从数据中学习大量重要的边缘感知运算符。我们的方法基于具有梯度域训练过程的深度卷积神经网络,这产生了一个强大的工具来近似各种滤波器,而无需知道原始模型和实现细节。我们系统中这些运算符之间的唯一区别仅仅是学习的参数。我们的系统能够快速逼近复杂的边缘感知滤波器,并实现高达 200 倍的加速,无论它们最初的实现方式有何不同。
课程简介: There are many edge-aware filters varying in their construction forms and filtering properties. It seems impossible to uniformly represent and accelerate them in a single framework. We made the attempt to learn a big and important family of edge-aware operators from data. Our method is based on a deep convolutional neural network with a gradient domain training procedure, which gives rise to a powerful tool to approximate various filters without knowing the original models and implementation details. The only difference among these operators in our system becomes merely the learned parameters. Our system enables fast approximation for complex edge-aware filters and achieves up to 200x acceleration, regardless of their originally very different implementation. Fast speed can also be achieved when creating new effects using spatially varying filter or filter combination, bearing out the effectiveness of our deep edge-aware filters.
关 键 词: 滤波器; 机器学习; 边缘感知运算符
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2023-12-10:wujk
最后编审: 2023-12-10:wujk
阅读次数: 27