Verizon 的大规模机器学习:理论与应用

Large Scale Machine Learning at Verizon: Theory and Applications
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/kdd2016_stribling_scale_machine/  
主讲教师: Jeff Stribling
开课单位: 威瑞森电信
开课时间: 2016-09-05
课程语种: 英语
本次演讲将涵盖大规模机器学习的最新创新及其在 Verizon 的海量真实世界数据集上的应用。这些应用程序为公司提供新的创收产品和服务,并托管在名为 Orion 的大型计算和存储平台上。我们将讨论Orion的架构和底层算法框架。我们还将介绍建立一个致力于创建基于数据科学的新产品线的新组织的一些现实问题。
课程简介: This talk will cover recent innovations in large-scale machine learning and their applications on massive, real-world data sets at Verizon. These applications power new revenue generating products and services for the company and are hosted on a massive computing and storage platform known as Orion. We will discuss the architecture of Orion and the underlying algorithmic framework. We will also cover some of the real-world aspects of building a new organization dedicated to creating new product lines based on data science.
关 键 词: 知识发现; 数据挖掘; 数据科学
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2023-12-14:wujk
最后编审: 2024-01-09:liyy
阅读次数: 15