
Yes We Must: Achieve Diversity through Leadership-Student Remarks
课程网址: https://videolectures.net/mitworld_gethers_johnson_mad/  
主讲教师: Matt Gethers; Matt Gethers
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2013-12-09
课程语种: 英语
在一年一度的马丁·路德·金日早餐会上,两名学生表达了对勇气和正直的衷心呼吁。 马特·盖瑟斯(Matt Gethers)回忆道,20世纪40年代,他的祖父在一家商店里为他的兄弟辩护,反对白人种族主义者,被迫逃离南卡罗来纳州。Gethers想知道他是否也会以同样的方式冒着生命危险。他承认“苦乐参半的现实”,即他不太可能面临祖先的审判,同时也希望“分享确保我作为这个国家和世界公民不可剥夺权利的工作和牺牲。” 虽然美国的机构似乎反映了“我们知道在种族、性别和残疾方面是正确的”,但Gethers指出,有一种更具腐蚀性的种族主义正在侵蚀“心灵”。美国社会领导层缺乏多样性,助长了刻板印象。在剑桥公立学校的工作中,Gethers遇到了一些学生,他们认为自己不可能成长为“宇航员、物理学家、数学家或总统”。为什么?“因为黑人小女孩长大后不会成为首席执行官。”Gethers总结道,只有当这些学生看到自己“在那些正在打破陈规的人身上……我们才能恢复他们神圣的梦想权利。” 乔伊·约翰逊差点被一位“忘记”寄成绩单的高中辅导员骗走了大学奖学金。约翰逊说,根深蒂固的种族主义助长了“冒名顶替综合症”,“患者无法内化自己的成就,因此觉得自己不配得到这些成就。”她想知道有多少麻省理工学院的同学在问自己,约翰逊说:“我们属于这里吗?我们需要做什么才能变得和其他人一样聪明?”但“很多时候,骗子根本不是我们。”。她看到了一个关于黑人成就、发明和发现被篡夺的漫长而悲惨的故事:“骗子们已经做了这么长时间,他们已经完善了欺诈的艺术。” 但是,必须做些什么才能确保黑人的贡献得到认可呢?约翰逊赞同麻省理工学院的使命——包括所有学生——即提升知识,为国家和世界服务。她说,真正的创新和智力进步不仅需要在实验室和教室里,而且需要在日常生活中相互尊重。“这必须从承认开始,与……门卫、实验室技术人员和公交车司机交谈,就像我们与教授交谈一样热切。”约翰逊最终希望“向世界表明,在这个机构,决策是基于功绩,而不是裙带关系、任人唯亲或种族主义。”
课程简介: Two students deliver heartfelt appeals for courage and integrity at the annual Martin Luther King Day breakfast. In the 1940s, Matt Gethers recounts, his grandfather was forced to flee South Carolina after defending his brother against white racists in a store. Gethers wonders if he’d have put his life on the line in the same way. He acknowledges the “bittersweet reality” that he won’t likely be facing the trials of his ancestors, while also wishing to “share in the work and sacrifice that secured my inalienable rights as a citizen of this country and the world.” While U.S. institutions seem to reflect “what we know to be right with respect to race, gender and disability,” Gethers notes that there’s a more corrosive racism eating away at “hearts and minds.” The absence of diversity in leadership throughout U.S. society encourages stereotyping. In his work in the Cambridge Public Schools, Gethers meets students who believe they couldn’t possibly grow up to be “an astronaut, physicist, mathematician or president.” Why? “Because little black girls don’t grow up to become CEOs.” Gethers concludes that only when these students see themselves “in people who are breaking the mold …will we restore their sacred right to dream.” Joy Johnson was almost cheated of a college scholarship by a high school counselor who “forgot” to send her transcript in. Entrenched racism has helped create the “impostor syndrome,” says Johnson, whose “sufferers can’t internalize their own accomplishments and thus feel they don’t deserve them.” She wonders how many fellow MIT students are asking themselves, “Do we even belong here, and what do we need to do to become as smart as the others?” But “many times the impostor is not us at all,” says Johnson. She sees a long, sorry tale of the usurpation of black achievements, inventions and discoveries: “Impostors have been doing it so long, they’ve perfected the very art of fraud.” But what must be done to ensure that the contributions of black people are recognized? Johnson nods toward MIT’s mission -- inclusive of all students -- of advancing knowledge to serve the nation and world. True innovation and intellectual advancement, she says, require respectful interactions not just in labs and classrooms, but in everyday life. “This must begin with acknowledgments, speaking to … janitors and lab techs and bus drivers as eagerly as we speak to professors.” Johnson ultimately hopes to “show the world that at this institution, decisions are made on merit, not on nepotism, cronyism or racism.”
关 键 词: 领导力; 多样性; 学生评论
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2023-12-22:liyq
最后编审: 2023-12-22:liyq
阅读次数: 11