
Nuts And Bolts Of Business Plans
课程网址: https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/15-s21-nuts-and-bolts-of-business-pla...  
主讲教师: Joseph Hadzima
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2014-01-01
课程语种: 英语
准备新的创业计划和启动创业的具体细节将在第二十五届年度课程中进行探讨。该课程对麻省理工学院社区的成员和其他对创业感兴趣的人开放。特别推荐给有兴趣开始或参与新业务或企业的人。由于一些演讲者将是麻省理工学院 $100K 创业大赛的评委,因此计划参加比赛的人应该会发现该课程特别有用。过去,大约50%的班级来自工程/科学/建筑学院,50%来自斯隆管理学院。 该课程在独立活动期 (IAP) 期间提供,这是麻省理工学院为期 4 周的特殊学期,从一月的第一周持续到月底。
课程简介: The nuts and bolts of preparing a New Venture Plan and launching the venture will be explored in this twenty-fifth annual course offering. The course is open to members of the MIT Community and to others interested in entrepreneurship. It is particularly recommended for persons who are interested in starting or are involved in a new business or venture. Because some of the speakers will be judges of the MIT $100K Entrepreneurship Competition, persons who are planning to enter the Competition should find the course particularly useful. In the past approximately 50% of the class has been from the Engineering / Science / Architecture Schools and 50% from the Sloan School of Management. The course is offered during the Independent Activities Period (IAP), which is a special 4-week term at MIT that runs from the first week of January until the end of the month.
关 键 词: 创业计划; 建筑学院; 独立活动
课程来源: 麻省理工学院公开课
数据采集: 2023-12-23:chenjy
最后编审: 2023-12-23:chenjy
阅读次数: 15