
Global Warming, Up Close and Local
课程网址: https://videolectures.net/mitworld_primack_gw/  
主讲教师: Richard B. Primack
开课单位: 波士顿大学
开课时间: 2011-10-12
课程语种: 英语
通缉:公民观察员记录常见动植物在春天的到来和离开。Richard Primack和Abraham Miller Rushing希望在一个旨在收集气候变化影响数据的项目中寻求您的帮助。在与博物馆观众的交谈中,他们描述了他们迄今为止的工作,以及他们需要志愿者做什么。 全球变暖的迹象不仅仅出现在极地冰盖上。当新英格兰的水仙花在一月份开花时,很明显,更普遍的气候是不正常的。Primack说,来自特定地区的准确数据,如花朵何时盛开,或鸟类何时迁徙到繁殖地,将有助于科学家准确而详细地了解气候变暖如何改变当地生态系统。 Primack和Miller Rushing已经开始精确定位美国东北部的气候影响模式,他们有一些历史帮助:Henry David Thoreau的期刊,他观察到了600多种植物在马萨诸塞州康科德开花的情况。梭罗的日记和表格不仅有助于证明当地植物物种的急剧减少,但存活植物开花日期的大规模变化。例如,高丛蓝莓的开花时间比梭罗时代早了将近一个月。Primack和Miller Rushing还发现了一批19世纪墓地照片的宝库,与我们自己的时代形成了鲜明对比:上个世纪的阵亡将士纪念日,树木还没有长出叶子。 在欧洲,多年来一直在收集数据,一些捕昆虫的鸟类数量严重减少,因为它们与猎物不同步地迁徙到春季繁殖地。Primack在美国的初步数据显示了类似的变化。例如,迁徙距离很远的黑嘴莺“不知道这里的温度是多少”,而且从越冬地出现得太早。 Primack和Miller Rushing启动了一个项目,从新罕布什尔州的山区到城市,收集新英格兰各地的数据。他们鼓励所有目光敏锐的博物学家回复他们的问卷,并培养对池塘和湖泊何时解冻、蝴蝶何时首次出现以及偷窥者何时开始春季合唱等问题的季节性意识。
课程简介: Wanted: Citizen-observers to document springtime arrivals and departures of common plants and animals. Richard Primack and Abraham Miller-Rushing hope to enlist your help in a project aimed at gathering data on the impact of climate change. In conversation with Museum audience members, they describe their work to date, and what they need from volunteers. Signs of global warming aren’t turning up just at the polar ice caps. When daffodils bloom in January in New England, it’s clear the climate is off kilter more generally. Accurate data from specific regions on when flowers bloom, or when birds migrate to their breeding grounds, says Primack, will help scientists draw an accurate and detailed picture of how warming is altering local ecosystems. Primack and Miller-Rushing have begun to pinpoint climate impact patterns in the Northeastern U.S., and they have some historical help: the journals of Henry David Thoreau, who observed when more than 600 species of plants flowered in Concord, MA. Thoreau’s diaries and tables help demonstrate not only a drastic loss of local plant species, but a wholesale shift in the flowering dates of surviving plants. For instance, the highbush blueberry blooms almost a month earlier than in Thoreau’s time. Primack and Miller-Rushing also came across a treasure trove of 19th-century cemetery photos, enabling stark contrasts with our own times: trees not yet in leaf on Memorial Day in the last century. In Europe, where data’s been gathered for years, some insect-catching birds are in serious decline, as they migrate to their spring breeding grounds out of phase with their prey. Primack’s initial U.S. data reveals similar alterations. The blackpoll warbler, for instance, which migrates long distances, “has no idea what the temperatures are here,” and shows up too early from its wintering grounds. Primack and Miller-Rushing have launched a program to gather data from locations across New England, from the mountains of New Hampshire to the cities. They encourage all keen-eyed naturalists to respond to their questionnaires, and to develop a seasonal awareness of, among other things, when ponds and lakes thaw, when butterflies first appear, and when peepers begin their spring chorus.
关 键 词: 全球变暖; 近距离; 局部
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2024-01-02:cyh
最后编审: 2024-01-02:cyh
阅读次数: 16