
How Can We Plan for Safe and Sustainable Regions?
课程网址: https://videolectures.net/mitworld_mei_fischer_spirn_ssr/  
主讲教师: Andrew J. Whittle
开课单位: 麻省理工学院土木与环境工程系
开课时间: 2013-03-08
课程语种: 英语
随着新奥尔良恢复的各种计划的出现,这些小组成员从海外、我们自己的历史和美国其他地区为防洪和重建提供了一些有针对性的教训。Anne Whiston Spirn相信灾难的力量可以使城市受益。特别是,她信奉“设计一个与自然过程相一致的城市的理想”。但抛弃旧的规划方案需要集体意志。在费城西部,Spirn发现,由于在一条旧小溪上的垃圾填埋场上施工,整个社区都在下沉。Spirn解释说,孩子们称他们居住的地方为“底层”——他们不仅仅指洪泛平原,而是指社会经济。她记录了自己的发现,并为城市规划者提供了将这些天坑变成可行且有吸引力的社区资产的方法。官员们忽视了她,直到受影响的居民参与进来。虽然新奥尔良“引人注目,引人入胜,但这只是冰山一角”,因为美国各地数百个社区都面临着同样的危险和不健康的生活条件以及官方忽视的故事。与卡特里娜飓风的洪水一样巨大,1927年密西西比州的洪水被证明更具破坏性。Michael M.J.Fischer描述了潮湿的天气如何在美国中部持续了半年,导致从弗吉尼亚州到俄克拉荷马州的2.3万平方英里的洪水,100多万人流离失所。Fischer回忆道,官员们炸毁了保护密西西比河沿岸农村地区的堤坝,“迫使农村穷人为城市做出牺牲,并动用军队镇压内战的威胁”。佃农们在枪口下被迫修复堤坝,以保护大型棉花和糖业公司的利益。菲舍尔看到了“布什政府取消现行工资支付规定的回声”。他指出,这些强制性措施永久性地改变了该地区的种族关系,并导致许多非裔美国人逃离三角洲。即使没有卡特里娜飓风,由于海岸侵蚀、石油和天然气钻探以及全球变暖,新奥尔良也在无情地下沉。但这些问题同样严重地影响着其他全球标志性建筑,蒋梅说。看看可怜的威尼斯,20年来一直在争论在其著名的泻湖上建造闸门。梅说,社区、工程师、企业和政府根本无法就一个可接受的解决方案进行合作,而这颗“西方世界的宝石”悬而未决。荷兰低于海平面50%以上,因此几个世纪以来“防洪一直是生存的问题”。1953年的一场大洪水启动了这个国家最雄心勃勃的努力:从水坝转向可移动的闸门。在惊人的快速时间内,荷兰人设计了一种方法来保护他们的土地免受“一万年风暴”的影响,并维护他们宝贵的河口生态系统,这里是贻贝和牡蛎的家园。梅想知道,新奥尔良的重建会采用“创可贴与长期解决方案”吗?环境影响将在多大程度上发挥作用?
课程简介: As various plans emerge for the recovery of New Orleans, these panelists offer some pointed lessons in flood prevention and reconstruction, from overseas, from our own history, and from other parts of the U.S. Anne Whiston Spirn believes in the power of catastrophe to transform cities beneficially. In particular, she embraces “ideals of designing a city in concert with natural processes.” But it takes collective will to discard old planning schemes. In West Philadelphia, Spirn discovered that whole neighborhoods were sinking due to their construction on landfill over an old creek. Kids called where they lived “the bottom”—and they didn’t mean just on the floodplain, but socio-economically, explains Spirn. She documented her findings and offered city planners ways to turn these sinkholes into viable and attractive community assets. Officials ignored her, until affected residents got involved. While New Orleans is “dramatic and riveting, it’s but the tip of the iceberg,” as hundreds of communities across the U.S. face the same story of dangerous and unhealthy living conditions and official neglect. As colossal as the Katrina flooding was, a 1927 Mississippi flood proved far more destructive. Michael M.J. Fischer describes how wet weather lodged over the nation’s midsection for half a year, leading to the flooding of 23 thousand square miles, from Virginia to Oklahoma, and displacement of more than 1 million people. Officials dynamited dykes that protected rural areas along the Mississippi, “forcing the rural poor to sacrifice for the city -- and used troops to suppress the threat of civil war,” recounts Fischer. Sharecroppers were “pressed at gunpoint” into repairing the levees, protecting the interests of large cotton and sugar firms. Fischer sees “echoes in the Bush administration lifting of rules on paying prevailing wages.” He notes that these coercive measures permanently changed race relations in that region, and led to an exodus of many African Americans from the Delta. Even without Katrina, New Orleans has been inexorably sinking—due to coastal erosion, oil and gas drilling and global warming. But these problems afflict other global landmarks just as dramatically, says Chiang Mei. Look at poor Venice, which has been debating for 20 years now the construction of gates on its famous lagoons. The community, engineers, business and government simply can’t collaborate on an acceptable solution, says Mei, and this “jewel of the western world” hangs in the balance. The Netherlands is more than 50% below sea level, so “protection against flood has been a matter of survival” for centuries. A massive 1953 flood launched the nation’s most ambitious effort: a shift from dams to moveable gates. In an astonishingly swift timeframe, the Dutch engineered a means to protect their land from “10,000-year storms,” and to maintain their valuable estuary ecosystems, home to mussels and oysters. Will New Orleans reconstruction adopt “Band-Aids vs. long-term solutions,” wonders Mei, and how much of a role will environmental impact play?
关 键 词: 规划安全; 可持续; 可持续发展
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2024-01-02:cyh
最后编审: 2024-03-18:liyy
阅读次数: 10