
FRED as an Event Extraction Tool
课程网址: https://videolectures.net/iswc2013_gangemi_event_extraction/  
主讲教师: Aldo Gangemi
开课单位: 认知科学与技术研究所
开课时间: 2013-11-28
课程语种: 英语
事件是难以捉摸的实体;正如作者所说,即使是人类注释者也不同意什么是事件,以及从参与者的范围、时间和地理空间范围等方面来看,事件的边界是什么。 当试图从文本中识别或提取事件时,会出现事件的更多方面:说话者对事件判断的极性、否定、情态、与其他事件的关系(时间、因果、陈述性等)等。 FRED是一种将从文本中提取的知识自动转换为RDF和OWL的工具,即它是语义网的机器阅读器。它以事件为中心,因此本机支持事件提取。在最近对知识提取工具[3]的横向分析中,FRED的精度为.73、召回率为.93和准确率为.87,大大优于其他尝试事件提取的工具。
课程简介: Events are elusive entities; as the authors of argue, even human annotators do not agree on what is an event and what is its boundary in terms of the extension of its participants, temporal and geospatial extent, etc. More aspects of events appear when trying to recognize or extract them from text: polarity of speaker's judgment on events, negation, modality, relations (temporal, causal, declarative, etc.) to other events, etc. FRED is a tool to automatically transform knowledge extracted from text into RDF and OWL, i.e. it is a machine reader for the Semantic Web. It is event- centric, therefore it natively supports event extraction. In a recent landscape analysis of knowledge extraction tools [3], FRED has got .73 precision, .93 recall, and .87 accuracy, largely better than the other tools attempting event extraction.
关 键 词: FRED; 事件提取工具; 地理空间范围; 知识提取工具
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2024-01-12:cyh
最后编审: 2024-01-18:cyh
阅读次数: 16