
Screen Women: Body Narratives In Popular American Film
课程网址: https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/wgs-640-screen-women-body-narratives-...  
主讲教师: Dr. Emily Fox-Kales; Dr. Suzanne Leonard
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2014-01-01
课程语种: 英语
本课程将使用电影和相关流行媒体作为我们的文本,研究女性的屏幕“化身”如何在一种文化中可视化纪律和欲望的意识形态,在这种文化中,她的身体已成为控制食欲、大小和形状的能力的代表,同时将个人和社会资本投入到康复中,作为一个无休止的重建项目, 重新设计和维护。在整个课程中,我们将借鉴女权主义电影理论、临床心理学以及女性、性别和文化研究,以更好地理解女性身体的电影表现如何首先从当代社会心理背景中出现,然后反过来塑造身体理想和内化,以及电影观众的行为实践。 妇女研究研究生联盟 (GCWS) 本课程是妇女研究研究生联盟的一部分。麻省理工学院的GCWS汇集了波士顿地区九所学位授予机构的学者和教师,他们致力于妇女研究的研究生教学和研究,并推进跨学科的妇女研究奖学金。了解有关 GCWS 的更多信息。
课程简介: Using film and related popular media as our texts, this course will examine how screen “embodiments” of the woman visualize ideologies of discipline and desire in a culture in which her body has become a representation of the ability to control appetites, size and shape while investing personal and social capital in its rehabilitation as a project of endless reconstruction, redesign and maintenance. Throughout the course we will draw from feminist film theory, clinical psychology, as well as women’s, gender, and cultural studies, to better understand how filmic representations of the woman’s body first emerge from contemporary psychosocial contexts and then in turn shape the body ideals and internalizations, as well as the behavioral practices of the film spectator. The Graduate Consortium in Women’s Studies (GCWS) This course is part of the Graduate Consortium in Women’s Studies. The GCWS at MIT brings together scholars and teachers at nine degree-granting institutions in the Boston area who are devoted to graduate teaching and research in Women’s Studies and to advancing interdisciplinary Women’s Studies scholarship. Learn more about the GCWS.
关 键 词: 银幕女性; 流行媒体; 电影观众
课程来源: 麻省理工学院公开课
数据采集: 2024-01-30:chenjy
最后编审: 2024-01-30:chenjy
阅读次数: 21