如何对几乎任何东西进行 CAD

How To CAD Almost Anything
课程网址: https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/res-16-002-how-to-cad-almost-anything...  
主讲教师: Andy G. Eskenazi
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2024-01-01
课程语种: 英语
你有没有想过我们日常生活中的物品是如何设计的?我们如何生成一个杯子、一瓶健怡可乐或土星五号火箭的计算机 3D 模型?如何设计喷气发动机的叶片?测试假人?制作乐高房屋建筑本身的动画怎么样?还是制作一碗水果的逼真渲染图?在这个研讨会中,您将学习设计所有这些以及更多技能的技能! 本次研讨会分为九个环节,通过各种专注于逆向工程的有趣示例,介绍使用参数化建模软件 SolidWorks 的 CAD(计算机辅助设计)。与传统的机械设计课程相比,该研讨会强调设计过程本身,了解我们如何规划和最好地利用我们可用的工具来达到我们想要的结果。因此,这些课程不是关于遵循工程图纸上的说明,而是关于独立思考和制定战略,将对象逆向工程成 3D 模型。 快来学习如何CAD几乎任何东西! 该补充资源提供了指向课程网站和研讨会材料的链接,以及 YouTube 上会话录制的配套播放列表。
课程简介: Have you ever wondered how objects from our daily lives are designed? How can we generate a computer 3D model of a mug, a bottle of Diet Coke, or a Saturn V rocket? What about designing the blades of a jet engine? A test dummy? How about making an animation of a LEGO house building itself? Or making a realistic render of a bowl of fruit? In this workshop, you will learn skills to design all these and much more! Split into nine sessions, this workshop introduces CAD (Computer Aided Design) using the parametric modeling software SolidWorks, through various fun examples focused on reverse engineering. In contrast to traditional mechanical design courses, this workshop emphasizes the design process itself, understanding how we can plan and best leverage our available tools to arrive at our desired result. Thus, the sessions are less about following the instructions on an engineering drawing, and more about independent thinking and strategizing, reverse engineering an object into a 3D model. Come and learn how to CAD almost anything! This supplemental resource offers links to the class’s website and workshop materials as well as a companion playlist of session recordings on YouTube.  
关 键 词: 独立思考; 制定战略; 逼真渲染图
课程来源: 麻省理工学院公开课
数据采集: 2024-03-22:chenjy
最后编审: 2024-03-22:chenjy
阅读次数: 9