
How To Speak
课程网址: https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/res-tll-005-how-to-speak-january-iap-...  
主讲教师: Patrick Henry Winston
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2018-01-01
课程语种: 英语
帕特里克·温斯顿(Patrick Winston)的“如何说话”(How to Speak)演讲已成为麻省理工学院40多年的传统。该讲座于每年一月在独立活动期间 (IAP) 期间提供,通常面向人群,旨在通过教您一些启发式规则来提高您在危急情况下的口语能力。温斯顿教授收集了规则,并举例说明了这些规则在求职面试、论文答辩、口试和讲座中的应用。 关于温斯顿教授 帕特里克·温斯顿(Patrick Winston)在麻省理工学院(MIT)担任教授近50年,于1972年至1997年担任麻省理工学院人工智能实验室主任,之后该实验室与计算机科学实验室合并为麻省理工学院的计算机科学和人工智能实验室(CSAIL)。他领导了CSAIL的创世纪研究小组,该小组专注于开发人类智力的计算账户,以及人类智力与其他物种的不同之处,特别关注对人类故事理解的建模。温斯顿教授于2019年7月19日逝世。
课程简介: Patrick Winston’s How to Speak talk has been an MIT tradition for over 40 years. Offered every January during the Independent Activities Period (IAP), usually to overflow crowds, the talk is intended to improve your speaking ability in critical situations by teaching you a few heuristic rules. Professor Winston’s collection of rules is presented along with examples of their application in job-interview talks, thesis defenses, oral examinations, and lectures. About Professor Winston A professor at MIT for almost 50 years, Patrick Winston was director of MIT’s Artificial Intelligence Laboratory from 1972 to 1997 before it merged with the Laboratory for Computer Science to become MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL). He led CSAIL’s Genesis Research Group, which focused on developing a computational account of human intelligence and how human intelligence differs from that of other species, with special attention to modeling human story comprehension. Professor Winston passed away on July 19, 2019.  
关 键 词: 口语能力; 独立活动; 论文答辩
课程来源: 麻省理工学院公开课
数据采集: 2024-03-23:chenjy
最后编审: 2024-03-23:chenjy
阅读次数: 10