
Introduction To Machine Learning
课程网址: https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/6-036-introduction-to-machine-learnin...  
主讲教师: Prof. Leslie Kaelbling
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2020-01-01
课程语种: 英语
本课程从建模和预测的角度介绍机器学习的原理、算法和应用。它包括学习问题的表述和表示、过度拟合和泛化的概念。这些概念在监督学习和强化学习中得到实践,并应用于图像和时间序列。 本课程是开放学习图书馆的一部分,可免费使用。如果您想跟踪您的进度,您可以选择注册并注册课程,或者您可以在不注册的情况下查看和使用所有材料。
课程简介: This course introduces principles, algorithms, and applications of machine learning from the point of view of modeling and prediction. It includes formulation of learning problems and concepts of representation, over-fitting, and generalization. These concepts are exercised in supervised learning and reinforcement learning, with applications to images and to temporal sequences. This course is part of the Open Learning Library, which is free to use. You have the option to sign up and enroll in the course if you want to track your progress, or you can view and use all the materials without enrolling.  
关 键 词: 机器学习; 时间序列; 过度拟合
课程来源: 麻省理工学院公开课
数据采集: 2024-04-14:chenjy
最后编审: 2024-04-14:chenjy
阅读次数: 9