
Design For Demining
课程网址: https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/ec-s06-design-for-demining-spring-200...  
主讲教师: Mr. Benjamin Linder; Mr. Andrew Heafitz
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2007-01-01
课程语种: 英语
人道主义排雷是探测、清除和处置地雷的过程。数以百万计的地雷被埋在80多个国家,每年造成10 000多名平民受害者。麻省理工学院排雷设计是一门设计课程,涵盖整个产品设计和开发过程,从需求识别和创意产生到原型设计和爆破测试,再到制造和部署。涉及技术、业务和客户方面。学生在设计、开发和交付设备以帮助排雷社区的同时学习排雷知识。过去的学生发明或改进了手动工具、防护装备、安全设备、教育图形和教材。前几年设计的一些工具在世界范围内使用了数千种。课程作业通过对美国陆军基地进行排雷培训的课堂实地考察和客座专家演讲者提供信息。
课程简介: Humanitarian Demining is the process of detecting, removing and disposing of landmines. Millions of landmines are buried in more than 80 countries resulting in more than 10,000 civilian victims every year. MIT Design for Demining is a design course that spans the entire product design and development process from identification of needs and idea generation to prototyping and blast testing to manufacture and deployment. Technical, business and customer aspects are addressed. Students learn about demining while they design, develop and deliver devices to aid the demining community. Past students have invented or improved hand tools, protective gear, safety equipment, educational graphics and teaching materials. Some tools designed in previous years are in use worldwide in the thousands. Course work is informed by a class field trip to a U.S. Army base for demining training and guest expert speakers. 
关 键 词: 人道主义排雷; 设计课程; 爆破测试
课程来源: 麻省理工学院公开课
数据采集: 2024-05-06:chenjy
最后编审: 2024-05-06:chenjy
阅读次数: 5