
Introduction To European And Latin American Fiction
课程网址: https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/21g-010-introduction-to-european-and-...  
主讲教师: Prof. Margery Resnick
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2006-01-01
课程语种: 英语
该主题是对欧洲和拉丁美洲小说领域的广泛介绍。它以历史的方式教授——从第一部皮卡雷斯式小说《拉萨里洛·德·托尔梅斯》开始,到当代欧洲小说结束。它旨在帮助学生对主要的虚构模式有一个大致的了解——从 18 世纪的书信体小说、Liaisons dangereuses 到 20 世纪的先锋小说:Cosmicomicsi 和 Aura。不仅关注这些作品所代表的文学运动,还关注产生特定文学形式的历史、地理、语言和文化规范的微妙相互作用。虽然阅读负担很重,但书籍却引人入胜。
课程简介: This subject serves as a broad introduction to the field of European and Latin American fiction. It is taught in an historical manner—beginning with the first picaresque novel, Lazarillo de Tormes, and ending with contemporary European fiction. It is designed to help students acquire a general understanding of major fictional modes-from 18th century epistolary fiction, Liaisons dangereuses, to 20th century avant-garde fiction: Cosmicomicsi and Aura. Attention is paid not only to the literary movements these works represent, but also to the subtle interplay of history, geography, language and cultural norms that gave rise to specific literary forms. While the reading load is heavy, the books are compelling. 
关 键 词: 广泛介绍; 当代欧洲; 文学形式
课程来源: 麻省理工学院公开课
数据采集: 2024-05-06:chenjy
最后编审: 2024-05-06:chenjy
阅读次数: 8