

HMS categorical symmetries and hypergeometric systems
课程网址: https://videolectures.net/8ecm2021_spenko_hms_categorical/  
主讲教师: Špela Špenko
开课单位: 8ECM会议
开课时间: 2021-07-06
课程语种: 英语
Hilbert的第21个问题询问了Fuchsian线性微分方程的存在性,该方程具有基本群的规定“单调表示”。第一个(有点错误的)解决方案是由斯洛文尼亚数学家Plemelj提出的。Deligne、Mebkhout、Kashiwara Kawai、Beilinson Bernstein。。。这个解现在被称为黎曼-希尔伯特对应关系。同调镜像对称性预测了“弦K¨ahler模空间”(SKMS)的基群对代数变体的导出范畴的作用的存在性。这一预测是Halpern-Leistner和Sam为某些复曲面品种建立的。HLS发现的作用的去范畴化产生了SKMS的基本群的表示,并且在与Michel Van den Bergh的联合工作中,我们证明了它是由显式超几何微分方程组的单调性给出的。
课程简介: Hilbert’s 21st problem asks about the existence of Fuchsian linear differential equations with a prescribed ”monodromy representation” of the fundamental group. The first (slightly erroneous) solution was proposed by a Slovenian mathematician Plemelj. A suitably adapted version of this problem was solved, depending on the context, by Deligne, Mebkhout, Kashiwara-Kawai, Beilinson-Bernstein, ... The solution is now known as the Riemann-Hilbert correspondence. Homological mirror symmetry predicts the existence of an action of the fundamental group of the ”stringy K¨ahler moduli space” (SKMS) on the derived category of an algebraic variety. This prediction was established by Halpern-Leistner and Sam for certain toric varieties. The decategorification of the action found by HLS yields a representation of the fundamental group of the SKMS and in joint work with Michel Van den Bergh we show that it is given by the monodromy of an explicit hypergeometric system of differential equations.
关 键 词: HMS对称性; 超几何系统; 线性微分方程
课程来源: 视频讲座网
数据采集: 2024-05-29:liyq
最后编审: 2024-05-29:liyq
阅读次数: 1