
Leadership in an Age of Uncertainty
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_ancona_parker_stocking_lau/  
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开课时间: 2013-08-01
课程语种: 英语
在一些组织中,愿景和动力并不仅仅停留在最高层管理层,而是激励所有员工,甚至是最普通的步兵。所有员工都成为领导者在西南航空公司,詹姆斯帕克解释说,这意味着将企业任务上下翻译。 “公司文化”是由行为定义的,必须在地方层面上进行。”因此,您将看到一个“空头飞行员帮助空姐服务花生和装垃圾,空姐在航班之间进行清理 - 员工在工作职责范围之外做事,为整体运营的成功做出贡献。” ;帕克说,西南员工已经确定了其他航空公司无法实现的两个目标:低票价和出色的服务。这就是“关系能力”这一点。这使得西南航空具有成本优势,员工可以获得个人满意度和良好的报酬 - 包括利润分享计划—从他们的劳动。乐施会的庞大实地业务以及非营利组织在危机中的参与,要求在70个国家工作的员工独立于Barbara Stocking。 “唯一的方法就是对那里的(工作人员)充满信心。我们正在处理生活在极端贫困中的流离失所者。它不能分解成任务。”一个例子:乐施会现场工作人员寻求以非医疗方式为南部非洲的艾滋病毒/艾滋病危机做出贡献。那里的工人们想出了“我们可以带来一些特别的东西 - 社区支持策略”。比如指导年龄较大的孩子成为父母。 “我可以梦想从牛津出来的想法是荒谬的,“rdquo;说库存。发展这种分布式和技术熟练的地方领导需要数年时间,而在灾难的情况下,需要极大的灵活性。在亚洲海啸之后,Stocking不得不说服她的亚齐员工,直升机是提供援助的唯一途径。 “你想要想象力和主动性,“rdquo; Stocking说,“但有时你必须把它们带回来。”
课程简介: In some organizations, vision and motivation don’t reside exclusively in the top tiers of management, but instead energize all employees, even the most ordinary foot soldiers. All staff become leaders. At Southwest Airlines, explains James Parker, this means translating the corporate mission up and down the line. The company culture is “defined by deeds, which have to be delivered on a local level.” So you’ll see a “deadheading pilot helping flight attendants serve peanuts and stowing trash, and flight attendants cleaning up between flights -- employees doing things outside the narrow scope of their job responsibilities, to contribute to the success of overall operations.” Southwest employees have secured two goals that seem unattainable by other airlines: low fares and outstanding service, says Parker. It’s this “relational competence” that gives Southwest its cost advantage, and employees derive both personal satisfaction and good remuneration—including a profit-sharing plan— from their labors. The vast field operations of Oxfam, as well as the nonprofit’s engagement in crises, demand that staff working in 70 countries operate very independently from Barbara Stocking. “The only way to do it is by having confidence in (staff) out there. We’re dealing with displaced people living in extreme poverty. It can’t be broken down into tasks.” One example: Oxfam field workers sought a non-medical way to contribute to the HIV/AIDS crisis in southern Africa. Workers on the ground there figured out “we could bring something special -- community support strategies,” such as mentoring older children to be parents. “The idea that I could have dreamt that up from Oxford is ridiculous,” says Stocking. Developing this kind of distributed and skilled local leadership takes years, and in the case of disasters, requires great flexibility all around. Following the Asian tsunami, Stocking had to convince her Aceh staff that helicopters were the only way to go to deliver aid. “You want imagination and initiative,” says Stocking, “but sometimes you have to bring them back.”
关 键 词: 不确定时代; 领导; 航空公司; 运营
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-07-05:liush
阅读次数: 43