

National Innovation Initiative
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_clough_donofrio_nii/  
主讲教师: Nicholas Donofrio; Wayne Clough
开课单位: 史密森学会
开课时间: 2012-05-25
课程语种: 英语
中文简介: 毫无疑问,美国危险地接近在全球市场上失去优势。如何才能保持竞争优势?国家创新计划是一个由公共和私营部门组成的200人,在过去一年中一直在集中回答这个关键问题。 G. Wayne Clough是该倡议组织的领导者之一,他发出了“紧急任务”的说法。因为“如果我们失去优势,我们将失去工作和福利。” NII希望产生一个“可行的议程”。其中包括识别新兴技术;使公共部门更具创新性和经济政策支持;从幼儿园开始,培养学生,参加21世纪的劳动力队伍。尼古拉斯·多诺弗里奥指出,其他国家已经非常注重创新,从欧洲到亚洲,这一国际挑战使美国处于十字路口。我们必须“激发创新和增长,以促进繁荣”。他说。并且他并没有谈到简单地创造新产品:“发明并不保证价值和hellip;。我们需要融合新的发展和方法来解决实际问题。”这些问题包括医疗保健成本上升和我们对石油的依赖。解决这些问题意味着阻止美国学生的工程和科学培训的衰落;结束政府对“扼杀发展的过时行业”的支持;并制定劳动,贸易和税收政策,以鼓励世界各地的创新者在这里生活和工作。我们“需要将创新作为国家议程的核心”。多诺弗里奥说,但是“大量的政治意愿必须增长”。实现这一目标。
课程简介: It’s no secret that the U.S. is dangerously close to losing its edge in the global marketplace. What can be done to hold on to a competitive advantage? The National Innovation Initiative, a group of 200 drawn from the public and private sector, has been mustering in the past year to answer this critical question. G. Wayne Clough, one of the Initiative’s leaders, invokes an “urgency to the task,” because “if we lose our edge, we will lose jobs and benefits.” The NII hopes to generate an “actionable agenda, ” which would include identifying critically emerging technologies; making the public sector more innovative and economic policy supportive; and gearing students, from kindergarten on up, to participate in a 21st century workforce. Nicholas Donofrio points out that other nations are already sharply focused on innovation, from Europe to Asia, and that this international challenge puts the U.S. at a crossroads. We must “spark innovation and growth to generate prosperity,” he says. And he’s not speaking of simply creating new products: “Invention doesn’t guarantee value….We need the fusion of new developments and approaches to solve real problems.” These problems include the spiraling costs of healthcare and our dependence on oil. Addressing these issues will mean stemming the decline of engineering and science training in American students; ending government support of “antiquated industries that stifle development;” and tailoring labor, trade and tax policies to encourage innovators around the world to live and work here. We “need to make innovation the heart of the national agenda,” says Donofrio, but an “enormous amount of political will must grow” to accomplish this.
关 键 词: 国家创新; 美国; 创新
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-06-23:liqy
阅读次数: 29