

Comparative Insights: Marshall Plan, Japan, and Iraq
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_dower_maier_ci/  
主讲教师: John W. Dower, Charles S. Maier
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2013-03-07
课程语种: 英语
约翰·道尔(John Dower)看到了一个接受美国占领的破碎的日本和在美国领导下继续垮台的易怒的伊拉克之间的世界。美国确实在日本取得了成功,其方式在伊拉克似乎不太可能。例如,一个完整的日本政府无条件地向美国投降,为占领者提供了合法性。日本人自1937年以来就遭受过战争,并且“从死亡中解放出来。” Dower说,进入后,美国明确解释了非军事化和民主化的目标,并在两年内改变了国家法律。此外,没有美国人牟取暴利的现象或现实。预计日本人会被自己的引导所吸引。曾经针对敌人的人力资源被重定向到工业和商业两端,因此“日本在技术和技术上成为一个成熟的国家。” “查尔斯迈尔”描述了马歇尔计划是如何形成一种处理西欧共产主义威胁的方式:“这是一场争夺欧洲工人阶级的心灵,思想和选票的战斗。”凭借美国的和平红利,马歇尔计划帮助16个国家摆脱了战争债务,并重建了经济。 “我们没有在马歇尔计划中做过地毯装袋,“rdquo;迈尔说。 “没有Bechtel或Halliburton。”这个概念是“健康的经济将抵制共产主义。”与当代伊拉克不同,欧洲不受宗教或文化分歧的影响,而是受到阶级和政党冲突的影响。 “极化暴力”也没有什么能量了。” “迈尔说,”“繁荣有其优点,可以解散很多。”  他不确定伊拉克或整个中东是否能繁荣昌盛,能否平息“古老的仇恨”。
课程简介: John Dower sees a world of difference between a shattered Japan that accepted U.S. occupation, and fractious Iraq, which continues to buck under American leadership. The U.S. did succeed in Japan, in ways that seem improbable in Iraq. For instance, an intact Japanese government surrendered unconditionally to America, lending legitimacy to the occupiers. The Japanese had suffered war since 1937, and were “liberated from death.” Going in, says Dower, the U.S. clearly explained its goals of demilitarization and democratization, and changed national laws within two years. Plus, there was no appearance or reality of profiteering by Americans. The Japanese were expected to pick themselves up by their bootstraps. Human resources once directed against the enemy were redirected toward industrial and commercial ends, such that “Japan emerges as a sophisticated country technologically and technocratically.” Charles Maier describes how the Marshall Plan arose as a way of dealing with the threat of Communism in Western Europe: “It was a battle for the hearts, minds and votes of the European working class.” With America’s peace dividend, the Marshall Plan helped 16 countries emerge from war debt, and rebuild their economies. “We did no carpet bagging in the Marshall Plan,” says Maier. “There was no Bechtel or Halliburton.” The notion was that “healthy economies will resist Communism.” Unlike contemporary Iraq, Europe did not suffer from religious or cultural divisions, but from class and party conflict. There was also little energy left for “polarizing violence.” Says Maier, “Prosperity has its virtues and can dissolve a lot.” He’s not sure whether Iraq, or an entire Middle East made prosperous, can smooth over “age-old hatreds.”
关 键 词: 军事化; 民主化; 人力资源
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-07-12:yumf
阅读次数: 59