

Consolidating Iraqi Democracy: The Institutional Context
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_feldman_makiya_cid/  
主讲教师: Kanan Makiya, Noah Feldman
开课单位: 哈佛大学
开课时间: 2013-03-07
课程语种: 英语
宪政民主能在伊拉克展开吗?诺亚费尔德曼详细介绍了伊拉克目前正在进行的民主建设的混合模式,其结果远非确定。被美国占领军选中的伊拉克流亡者组成了一个管理委员会来帮助起草宪法。但这些伊拉克人不是民选的代表,什叶派领导人抗议说这样的宪法是不可行的。费尔德曼说:“你做什么?你假装它和…打电话给他们以外的东西。”因此,理事会没有制定宪法,而是制定了“过渡性行政法”。但逊尼派阿拉伯人避开了议会和随后的伊拉克选举。费尔德曼说,他们被威胁要杀死他们的人吓倒了。”因此,叛乱活动仍在继续,并且在某些地方,“担心做出日常决定的做法与萨达姆统治下的做法相当。”费尔德曼认为,美国应该责备的缺乏安全措施“威胁着民主结构的出现。” Kanan Makiya看到战后伊拉克领导人的根本危机导致该国崩溃。因为美国选择了理事会,所以从管理的角度来看,他们得到了“一个美丽但无效的身体。”从一开始,伊拉克人在重建国家方面没有实际发言权,导致士气低落。然后,伊拉克有了一个宏伟的时刻,有800万人参加投票,这是关于叛乱和未来的重要声明。但在大多数公众眼中,这一时刻正被政治家们所摧毁。”什叶派多数人必须培养逊尼派的领导能力,大多数伊拉克人带着他们的个人受害者的感觉必须被“伊拉克的想法”所取代,而这个想法比我个人的痛苦更大。”
课程简介: Can constitutional democracy unfold in Iraq? Noah Feldman details a hybrid model of democracy-building currently under way in Iraq whose outcome is far from certain. Iraqi exiles, selected by the U.S. occupation force, formed a governing council to help draft a constitution. But these Iraqis were not elected representatives of the people, and Shiite leaders protested that such a constitution would not be viable. Says Feldman: “What do you do? You fake it and … call things other than what they are.” So instead of a constitution, the governing council wrote a “transitional administrative law.” But Sunni Arabs steered clear of the council, and of subsequent Iraqi elections. Feldman says they were “intimidated by people who threatened to kill them.” As a result, the insurgency continues and in some places, “fear that goes into making everyday decisions is comparable to that under Saddam’s rule.” Feldman believes that the lack of security, for which the U.S. is to blame, “threatens the emergence of a democratic structure going forward.” Kanan Makiya sees a fundamental crisis of post-war Iraqi leadership leading the country to breakdown. Because the U.S. chose the governing council, they got “a beautiful but ineffectual body from the governing point of view.” From the start, Iraqis had no actual say in the reconstruction of their country, which led to low morale. Then Iraq had “a magnificent moment where eight million people came out to vote, an important statement about the insurgency and about the future. But in the eyes of much of the public, that moment is being traded away by politicians.” The Shiite majority must cultivate Sunni leadership, and the sense of personal victimhood most Iraqis carry with them must be replaced “by an idea of Iraq that’s bigger than my own personal suffering.”
关 键 词: 伊拉克民主宪政; 民主政治建设; 伊拉克
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-09-26:yumf
阅读次数: 44