

What Sloan and MIT meant to me?
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/mitworld_fiorina_cka/  
主讲教师: Carly Fiorina
开课单位: Carly Fiorina公司
开课时间: 2013-08-01
课程语种: 英语
中文简介: 听她讲述,卡莉菲奥莉娜在斯隆学校的一年证明了她的教育和职业生涯的关键。她“不断地遇到了才华横溢的人才,教师和学生,这既鼓舞人心,又令人生畏。”作为职业生涯中期的专业人士,她发现该节目“非常严谨”。并且“担心每个年级和考试。”这种充满挑战的氛围在很大程度上归功于斯隆是麻省理工学院的一部分,“这是一个庆祝纪律和努力工作的机构。”菲奥莉娜从她的麻省理工学院成绩单中读到了一系列课程,并指出在应用经济学中,她是“最大限度地强调”的。游戏理论告诉她“人们可以做非理性的事情只是因为他们认为其他人可能会表现得非理性。”在组织心理学方面,她通过艰难的谈判会议角色扮演角色,并观察了理性善意的人们如何能够快速地转变为“我赢了,你输了”。谈判模式。”菲奥莉娜指出了她经历的几个关键方面。麻省理工学院斯隆重视平衡和“接触所有学科”,“rdquo;她说。因此,虽然她参加了大量的定量课程,但她也做了权力和责任的阅读,包括禅和射箭艺术。麻省理工学院斯隆强调合作,菲奥莉娜了解到“价值是在学科之间的边界创造的。”这是一个教训,菲奥莉娜的评论,与首席执行官以及9/11事件和卡特里娜飓风等危机中的负责人有很大的关系,当时问题“无法通过垂直的指挥链解决。”                           
课程简介: To hear her tell it, Carly Fiorina’s year at the Sloan School proved pivotal to her education and career. She was “constantly running into brilliant people, faculty and students, which was both inspiring and intimidating.” As a mid-career professional, she found the program “extremely rigorous,” and “worried about every grade and test.” This challenging atmosphere was due in no small part to the fact that Sloan was part of MIT, “an institution that celebrates discipline and hard work.” Fiorina reads down a list of courses from her MIT transcript, noting that in Applied Economics, where she was “stressed to the max,” game theory taught her that “people could do irrational things simply because they thought someone else might behave irrationally.” And in Organizational Psychology, she “role-played through difficult negotiation sessions, and watched how rational well-meaning people could devolve incredibly quickly into ‘I win, you lose’ negotiating patterns.” Fiorina pinpoints several critical aspects of her experience. MIT Sloan values balance and “exposure to all disciplines,” she notes. So while she took intensely quantitative courses, she also did readings in power and responsibility, including Zen and the Art of Archery. MIT Sloan emphasized collaboration, and Fiorina learned that “value is created at the boundaries between disciplines.” This is a lesson, remarks Fiorina, with a great deal of relevance for a CEO, and for those in charge during such crises as 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina, when problems “cannot be solved simply through vertical chains of command.” The ultimate take-home point for Fiorina, gained on her last day, was that “success and life are not a destination but a journey, and every step, even the hard ones, are important.”
关 键 词: 斯隆管理学院; 麻省理工学院; 价值
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-06-29:heyf
阅读次数: 51